Anyone online for chat?

Anyone online for chat?

Hello, I’m online. How are you feeling today?

You Should Go to The ‘Say Anything’ Thread.

It’s a True Party in There (!!!)… . … :100:

I’m ok. Was hungover earlier. Going to practise social distancing because of corona virus from now on.

Sure, we’re in the house for awhile due to the bug. Nothing different accept we’re having our main meal at noon instead of at night. Being how we’re all home during the day now.
My motto is “Relax and be gentle.”


Yea Man, Woman, or Child.

It is Important to Stay Away From Those With The Coronavirus Illness.

Keep at a True Distance.

To Keep Your Man, Woman, or Child Self, Safe as a Button… . … :100:

Yeah, I’ve been staying inside my apartment mostly for about a week.

The virus pandemic is getting pretty bad.

It is getting bad. It’s quite boring being indoors

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Are You @lowri,

As I Said,

‘Safe as a Button’ (???).
:sparkling_heart: :right_anger_bubble: :sparkling_heart:

Oh I know!

Can you read books at all? I’ve just been reading a lot lately and watching the occasional movie.

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Yeah maybe I could do that.

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Maybe Watch ‘Friday The 13th’ (???).

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Just make sure to read books about things you’re interested in, even if it is fiction. :slight_smile:

I read a lot of horror books, because I love that genre of art.

But I understand how horror books could be triggering to a lot of people.

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