I love this film and binge watching it tonight. What do you guys think of these films?
I am a huge fan of the books. Read the LOTR in last year of junior school so I was about 11. Liked what Jackson did with the films. Some surprises but they were good. I didn’t really like the Hobbit movies and didn’t get far into them.
So. I love that universe and huge fantasy/sci fi reader. Movies were great and an amazing work in themselves in my opinion. Very well done.
They are amazing films. I was also partial about the Hobbit.
Haven’t read the books yet. I’m thinking about diving into them!
I just watched the lord of the rings series recently very good i also enjoyed the hobbit
Books are really good. It’s a very well constructed universe and it’s got a lot of depth. The Silmarillion is a bit harder as it’s fragments of stories and was put together after Tolkien’s passing but it’s a really good story. Just so much tragedy. Worth a read if you like the LOTR.
I love Lord of the Rings.
“Run, you fools.”
Should ask " who doesn’t ? ".
I loved the LotR films. The Hobbit films, OTOH, were pure bilge. A cash grab and nothing more.
Lord of the Rings was sweet. A lot of crying hobbits but the fight scenes are awesome.
I took a Lord of the rings class in highschool.
I think its a master piece but I can’t watch it frequently. It has to feel like a nostalgia trip, and I don’t want to ruin the ride.
I liked it right up until they formed “the fellowship of the ring” . I think that’s half way through the first movie.
Then it was a bore fest for me.
I think this is the best review of LotR, ever.
Haha. Thanks. It’s just how I feel. They cry so much.
I liked the books better but the movies were great…liked the Hobbit series too…master special effects…especially the dragon in the Hobbit. need to watch them again.
I’m not a fan of the war scenes.
But mostly, I did enjoy LOTR number 1
ATM I’m like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings.
I love both the books and the movies. I read the books when I was in grade school. These stories have perfect verisimilitude. I know it’s all fantasy, but within the bounds of what it is trying to do. everything rings true. I remember when I was reading the books I was thinking that they could never make a movie out of them because everyone would imagine the scenes and the people differently, but they did a great job of making convincing representations of what is in the books. The way they portrayed Minas Tirith is almost exactly the way I imagined it in the books. - I heard on a series about World War II that J.R.R. Tolkien fought in the battle of The Somme. Just think, if he had been killed we never would have had these wonderful books to read. That war took out a number of benefactors to humanity.
Legolas’ hair is divine. I wouldn’t mind having that length and sleekness of hair.
I liked them. They just don’t draw me in like they used to. A lot doesn’t draw me in. I think it’s the illness.