I forgot what her last screen name was.
She hasn’t been on the forum in a while.
@anon83141956 is still here under a new name.
Oh ok thanks @Ninjastar
@Ninjastar. Is that the same person as well I don’t know how to spell it but it started with a p? Like a pouq something?
Yes it is …
I don’t like people changing their names.
The only reason I have ever done it is because mine gave away my identity here to a family member, as it was my real name and they found one of my posts after a pdoc appointment.
When someone does this, I do not think it promotes cohesiveness in the community, as I don’t know how many people I speak for, but it takes me long enough to get used to that persons personality for it only to get hidden again
I might get shot down for voicing my opinion on this, and people are free to do what they like with an account they own, but I just find it very confusing to keep up with it, and it almost feels like some weird kind of deceitful act of trying to evade accountability for past forms - which is impossible in real life
I wish people kept their names to. It’s hard to keep up with who is who on the site.
Yeah, I agree…changing names and even to some extant avatars just confuses me as to who is who.
I personally don’t have a need to change mine currently but to each their own
I think some people change their names because of paranoia but it confuses me to no end.
Sorry I don’t mean to confuse to the extent that it’s bothersome
I’ll try my best not to change my username again
That’s ok @anon83141956
Glad you are back
I did it for the sake of privacy, cos I’ve said things that I can’t be asked to go through hundreds of posts to see what they are.
Anyways I’m more careful now.
Thank you Wave…
But, it was a secret.
It’s all good, I just find it as a mild irritant.
My main concern in your case was that you’d gotten unwell, and I was worried about your safety.
I had no idea you were still here!
It was yeah… Lol. It’s OK.
Tbh I thought it was obvious it was me I just didn’t want to have to say but nvm.
Its not too bad. I can live with that.
Omg butterfly, hi! Didn’t know it was you
We dont allow people to keep it secret when they change their usernames, as we feel this is dishonest.
My very first username was BigDaddyBabycakes.