you need practice your hero skills now
yea i want to be like batman, what do i do.
I wanna be Super Schizo. Where do I go for voice implants? My superhero skill will be to let everyone know what I’m going to do before I do it.
I want to be mental health man providing drugs that shrink the testicals and give men woman like boobs
Why do i need to practice now? I haven’t practice for over 10 years. I retired.
Maybe if I stop my pills I will turn into one.
Idk just use your imagination
Maybe i say to the psychiatrist the medication make me loose all my imaginary powers. When you need a superhero you know you only have to take the meds off me. I am reliable.
IDK, Green Lantern and the Flash come to mind. It would be cool to be like them.
i have some in my ears if you want em.
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