Anyone fancy a chat?

What time is it where you are?

Do you have trouble showernig Poetic Skunk?

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I usually bathe 1 to 2 times daily. We’re all different I guess. But sometimes I feel too depressed to wash my hair


@Loke I generally don’t go long stretches without showering and honestly if I’m stressed showering 3 times a day isn’t uncommon for me.

anyone still on here?

I’m still here 161515

are you schizophrenic Loke?

Sorry my phone ran out of battery! I do have negative symptoms but they don’t dictate my life. They’re not sooo bad. But the cognitive symptoms are pretty bad. I was just reading and it was a real good book but I was struggling with it.

Do you struggle with focus?

Yeah I lose concentration pretty easy. It sucks because I feel I should be reading and learning because I want to be intellectual but I can’t.

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I know what you mean. How many times have you been in hospital?

@Lowri. Schizoaffective. Bipolar type. In church a few weeks ago I saw a yellow cat run across the pew over some old lady’s feet. There’s no miracle pill

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I love :heart:️ foreign languages. That’s intellectual.


I read the title with an English accent


@Lowri. I’m schizoaffective bipolar type and I have OCD

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