Anyone experience positive vibes from voices?

Anyone experience positive vibes from their internal voices? Mine are just negative.

Anytime I get in the zone or not hearing voices the voice will say slmethibg to bring me back (make me only focus on it).


Anyone? 141525q1515


I have a positive voice.

Really, its not a good thing,

Its equally distracting and confusing.


When I had a lot of voices, some were good. Now that they’re 99% gone, I only hear a whisper of a negative remark on rare occasions. Kind of like they’re resentful for being ignored.

Not all are bad, that is, unless they take up most your time and energy.

I hear voices so little that when i hear them im just glad somethings going on.

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My voices have always been negative.

All the time. The majority of them are positive. I see beautiful comforting things and feel appreciated and loved.

It sounds great but it still pulls me away from reality so I try to take breaks from it by ignoring it.

Of course they can be negative and are very negative some of the time, but that’s less common.

Must be nice to have positive voices. Always had a devil on my shoulders since becoming sz

you know what’s very interesting is that the voices were bothering me today during DBT
my therapist noticed i was struggling so he gave me a look and pointed at my surroundings to try to shift my focus from my head to the outer world
i heard for the first time a compliment/gratitude from them.
“thank you”
like…whoa. it’s just so odd to me. they’re always mean but today, i heard thank you.
i think it’s a step.

Thats how mine were they would be fake nice and then switch to s*** talking for a good while and when they finally would become background noise they would literally say hey or come here bruh and my eyes would stop focusing on what i had my attention on.

Some are positive, most aren’t

there were so many people, I don’t recall all that,

but I do remember having one young girl who was crying.

I had one that would make sarcastic jokes about the events in my life, as they were happening. He was pretty funny, but still distracting.

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Had you heard the jokes before? Did it seem like it was your brain conjuring up the joke?

It is always your own brain conjuring up hallucinations.

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