Anyone else prefer walking/jogging outside instead of on treadmill?

It can seem oxymoron for some people here. What the heck with this guy?

I prefer jogging and walks outside compared to treadmill. Thing which bothers me people asking me what I am doing? Or striking up convo. People who keep it limited are ok. Guys it’s early morning and am wearing jogging clothes and shoes. I am not collecting garbage, am I?

Some people who happen to know me from socials who I don’t know personally are ridiculous. They stop in street and ask if I want to be dropped home? This makes me anxious. Was this fella following me? ■■■■! I don’t even know him. I know him but don’t know who he actually is.

Going out seems more natural. Keeps me connected with outside world more. Exercising on treadmill alone gives me giddiness when I walk on uneven surface. I also found walking outside helped with losing weight more than treadmill.

What do you guys think? Too sick to go out? Or too sick to even workout?

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You’d get sicker staying at home. You live in a strange town or country, no one here even looks at you in public, it’s like taboo. I took a long walk today, the first in a long long time. I figure if I want to stay alive I’ve got to get out. I went to the library afterwards and read a graphic novel.

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Assuming you’re from US or some western country people over there tend to be more individualistic. Seem to have innate awareness of privacy.

Not in India. People here will just stare at you. Doesn’t matter with intention or not. And privacy what’s that? Peeps who stare at you blindly are real troublesome. One can’t easily deter them with stare back.

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Living here one can be lonely but you won’t be isolated. Not same thing. can manage to get out of loneliness easily here.

I would say it’s the same.Jogging outside needs more effort compare to on threadmill.But for threadmill you can power up to higher speed and force yourself to go faster with the help of machine,which jogging outside couldn’t because you would need extra effort on yourself to increase speed when you think your very fast already

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People were i live would think your on crack for jogging outside so I stick to the tredmill I wish I could run outside my invega makes me hot internally wene it gets to about 85


I jog at the park everyday.Most people just walk around and never jog/run.It’s too much of effort for them lol


I prefer jogging, walking and riding a bike out in the neighbourhood. I wouldn’t mind a treadmill though as I could watch bad tv whilst exercising. No room for a treadmill though so it’s around the block I go if the weather is ok.


I used to run when the snow had settled. Everything seems so quiet and in harmony in the winter- time. I also felt empowered after I’d done 5km.

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I prefer jogging outside. I just don’t have the stamina for it these days. I live near a couple of steep hills. Going down them is no problem but I cannot handle going up them yet. Before I could but they always left me tired. Right now I started using a treadmill again. I do plan on going out for a run once I have more endurance again.

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Because of the Winter season, the weather outside doesn’t permit walking/jogging outside. However, during the Spring & Summer seasons the atmosphere is much better. Walking/jogging outside does take more effort and breathing the clean fresh air is much better than confined in a room with only an open window. But a treadmill has a controlled environment such as a constantly walking/jogging on a flat surface as well as the numerical count of multiple metrics.

I am fortunate enough to own a treadmill and use it at home for as long as I want and at anytime.


I don’t have a treadmill. I just do walks outside. I do have a stationary bike in case the weather isn’t good enough.

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@Thesickguy @Gtx1990 Most people prefer brisk walking over here. There is not much awareness about physical activity where I live. There is more awareness in big cities and recently in most places due to pandemic.

@Speedy @yinyang Can’t go out when it’s raining in here. Otherwise it’s fine. Have to be on lookout for stray dogs while jogging though.

@Thesickguy People will think I am crazy if I go out for run. All they can think of is brisk walk and hitting gym. And tend to associate brisk walk to mostly overweight people.

Going out seems better for me. One has to be aware of surrounding as well.


I prefer walking outside. I used to walk my dog every day until he started refusing to go for walks.

I didn’t like the treadmill, maybe it’s just me but if I spend 10-20 minutes on a treadmill (or longer), then get off it, as soon as I start walking on normal ground I feel disoriented for a while, walking feels weird until I readjust to normal ground.

Normal surface tend not to be leveled like treadmill tracks. I have similar issues. Many people who don’t go out much seem to as well. Walking outside and sometimes on uneven surface barefoot helps staying upright and maintaining balance. Sole nerve stimulation helps here.

I would never have had this problem with GS dogs we had. Those guys kicked my ass back then.

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