I keep thinking I have symptoms. A sore throat, a warm feeling, chills, tiredness; all of which have reasonable explanations that have nothing to do with corona. I have allergies, it’s 25° outside, and my dog woke me up to use the bathroom 3 times last night. All this anxiety and now I have this voice that periodically tells me I’m going to die. It’s not making me delusional, but I feel this pit in my stomach every time it talks to me. So how are you guys doing? Anyone having returning sz symptoms?
No. I had a dose of the flu coming into it. Took me like two weeks to shake the sucker and I’ve a poor history with lungs. I’m a decade after smoker and my lungs still aren’t the best. Still…
I don’t go out much. If I do it’s to certain spots that aren’t within close proximity of people. So. If I got it now just after having a virus I reckon I’d be toast but I, touch wood, am not in the realms of it.
Live. It’s what we do. Don’t worry about the consequences but have some clue to how you live. Not good going to public places but most of us don’t get out much.
I think this is the root of my fear. I avoid public places as much as I can, but there are 4 people and 2 animals living in our house. We have to restock sometimes, especially with people panic-buying everything. Plus we have to get animal food and I have to walk my dog a few times a day. Combine all that with the fact that it’s cold here and we just have a paranoia fest.
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