Anybody only have anhedonia, avolition, and/or concentration issues as their negative symptoms?

I ask this because my new doc at partial doesn’t think I have negative symptoms because my emotions aren’t blunted and I can speak fluently (aside from my stutter). But while the things I mentioned are common in depression, not only has my mood been good but we tried meds for bipolar depression and they all didn’t work so I don’t think I’m depressed. I think the general attitude of my doc is “you aren’t visibly impaired enough for it to be negative symptoms” but even so I feel so handicapped. I just want to know what the hell I’m dealing with. And I tried suggesting to my doc about the possibility of it being a side effect of the meds, but he didn’t want to hear any of it and dismissed it.

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You are smart. You will figure it out. Don’t let it get you down.

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I have avolition and concentration issues. I’m fortunate enough not to have anhedonia.

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Your new doc is a jackass. You have negative symptoms. Sometimes I think these doctors have no clue what we go through just to even get to our appointments. I don’t know about you but I’m frankly sick of doctors and could not care less about what they say. I wish I didn’t need the meds so bad or I would never see another doctor of any kind as long as I live.

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@TheBest Thank you! I still have a sliver of hope it’ll get better

@Tyme That’s still a helluva lot to deal with, I’m sorry ur going through it too. The hardest part with this stuff is recalling my level of functioning before this, how motivated I was to do well in school and how much I used to read. Then it cuts back to now and it feels like a slap in the face where everything feels so difficult and I have the attention span of a goldfish

@Leaf I hear ya, this new doc is a pain. He doesn’t even agree with my diagnosis because he thinks I’m too high functioning to be schizoaffective, he thinks im bipolar w/ psychotic features even though I clearly was psychotic without a mood episode. But as much as it annoys me, I try not to concern myself too much about what he thinks, unless it directly affects my treatment. But unfortunately that might be the case if he tries to treat me for depression

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Let him try. As far as I know you don’t have to take an SSRI if you don’t want to. You don’t have to do what he says. And his opinion about your diagnosis is just that - and opinion. I’ve had all kinds of different people tell me all kinds of stories about who and what I am. I’ve had all kinds of medicine and I struggle to see clearly if they help or not. But I’m happy for you that you see things clearly and I think you should stand your ground and not get convinced you’re something you’re not.

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Good, you sound strong! Don’t deny your own experiences because some psychiatrist won’t believe you. I’ve had lots of labels (more than 10) from all parts of the DSM and lots of harmful medication and I don’t believe them anymore. I just start from my own experiences and if they can tell me or offer me something useful, I’ll listen. If not, I shove their opinion aside.

I too have anhedonia, avolition and cognitive issues and feel so impaired because of it. I almost hate it more than psychosis. I think they are caused by (or mostly caused by) the medication - if I quit meds, I feel a lot better, happier, more active (until I crash in psychosis). Even in one day of forgetting meds, there is often a noticeable difference. And when I was on a higher dose (5mg instead of 1mg) it was way worse. Others see the difference too and tell me so. Even my son (7 years old) told me today when I’m on meds I’m often “sleepy” and he wants to throw my meds off the balcony. :frowning:

Most psychiatrists tell me however that I’m not visibly impaired, so I’m not schizophrenic, like yours. They also often deny I’m having negative symptoms, and that the medication causes negative symptoms in me or the downplay the effect and importance of that. One even told me he didn’t understand why it was so important to me to feel love for my loved ones. :-o I come across as clean, smart and social, but they have no idea of how much of a struggle that is, what willpower is needed to show up like that.

For me, an SSRI made me feel much more anhedonia, and it was a disaster to come off them, so I would not use them if not necessary.


Hm. It sounds a bit arrogant that I seem clean, smart and social. What I actually meant was, I come across as more high-functioning than I actually am. I look well-groomed when I have an appointment, but it takes me lots to just shower and brush teeth and be there. They find I can think well, but I have to work hard to concentrate on a conversation and remember what is said and feel exhausted after. I can seem somewhat social, but I’m socially awkward and anxious.

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Do you have any problems socializing? If you do then you probably do have negative symptoms. I wish there was something for us with negative symptoms. It makes life so boring.

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No you didn’t come across as arrogant at all don’t worry, I resonate with a lot of what you say. Admittedly my psychosis is a lot more mild than a lot of ppl’s ive seen here, but yeah for me I’d also rather be psychotic than deal with this ■■■■. I also only groom for things that matter, otherwise if I’m at home or at program I won’t shower or shave or anything unless forced to by my parents. So they see me groomed and think “well u seem fine” but they don’t understand that I wouldn’t do any of that if I wasn’t pressured because it felt like the occasion was inportant. They don’t understand that without that pressure I don’t have the self respect to take care of myself for my own sake

Hm idk I’ve had social anxiety my whole life. Often I probably act cringey and ppl see that there’s something wrong with me just based on how I talk. But I try to seem as normal as possible and I think I can pull up a decent front most of the time.

As for desire i used to have asociality, but I think it was more due to my own shame from the flashbacks of my past than a sz symptom. I have consummatory anhedonia but not social so hanging out with friends is pretty much my only relief and sense of pleasure

I have all three, but my nurse practitioner poo-poos the idea of negative symptoms. I think she thinks because I have a job I don’t experience what I’m telling her I experience.

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I had lack of pleasure really bad but I cured it to about 80%.

I lack motivation due to medication.

I can’t concentrate like I used to.

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That really sucks, sorry your symptoms are being doubted too. I don’t think being higher functioning should mean that there was never a problem to begin with

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Glad that ur anhedonia has improved

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