Anybody ever get goosebumps from a song?

Heard this song for the first time today. Tho Ive never been a fan of trap or dubstep, I could relate with this song. Its deep


I do, sometimes. I read itā€™s called ā€˜frissonā€™


What songs? Ill have to google that label

ah its a sympathetic responce from epinephrine release or adrenelin

ā€˜Comforting soundsā€™ by Mew,
ā€˜The Veldtā€™ by Deadmau5
ā€˜Space walkā€™ by Lemon Jelly

Those are a few examples, but especially space walk does it for me every time

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I have never heard that band before cool song thanks for sharing. I like this one form them

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I cant remember which performance but there was some on X factor and the Voice yea that give me a shiver up my spine or something like that

That sounds intense and to the core, was it like seeing a ghost or something else

I used to have hallucinations that when i tried to ignore them they would then touch my limb or something and id try to brush it off and then I would feel goosebumps on it. It was creepy

what type of genres of music do you listen to? same old stuff like pop and rnb or something new?

haha it was just a shiver up my spine for some reason I suppose it was the emotion in it and the power of the voice

like this one. what do you think of it?

I guess that was before you were on meds. yea I had tactiles too they are really bizarreā€¦

I listen mainly to pop because I mainly just put the radio on and that happens to be on ā€¦

but I am getting a bit bored of always hearing the same songs and some of them are annoying songs

I could imagine what a headache that could be especially being sz lol

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I remember seeing that live, but i had to urn away i just couldnt stand the singers bangs haha

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I mean bangs are cute tho, just so retro

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what music do you listen to,

do you have a favourite song ?

I have music add, but heres a simple classic you might enjoy

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heres another one thats stuck in my head right now

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When I first heard the Atmosphere 12ā€ by Joy Division when I was a kid. First Joy Division record I bought. I had read about them in the Creem Guide to Punk and New Wave. And the b-side remix of Sheā€™s Lost Control.
Also the first time I heard The Cutter by Echo and the Bunnymen on the radio.

Wow eighteyedspider, your one of the original rockers that still rock out to punk, heavy man I dig it rock on. I love the singer in the echo video. He looks like hes 12 but hes got a really deep voice, talk about a balls drop lol

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