Any other level 2 autistics here?

I think it is a spectrum.

Idk if I can ever live alone because they wont let me

I beat out several neurotypicals for my last job promotion despite them having more years of experience than I did.

I meant myself, not to offend you

I am level one.

Think maybe as you get older and adapt, the level might be less than when you’re still figuring stuff out

The assessor told me that I do not have Aspergers, as it was known, but classical autism

Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing?

What is the difference?

Have no idea. That was just what he said to me

This is what Google says

What distinguishes Asperger’s Disorder from classic autism are its less severe symptoms and the absence of language delays . Children with Asperger’s Disorder may be only mildly affected, and they frequently have good language and cognitive skills.

Weird cuz I had language delay and was diagnosed with Asperger

It’s a mess an ASD dx.

My pdoc ignores the levels, as do the social workers

I have the common among those with ASD ,but not universal, adaptive functioning <IQ thing going on. IMHPs , who are clueless to the point of being offensive about ASD , behaved towards me as though I was lazy and passive aggressive etc because they thought that to do x well meant I should automatically do y well.

That attitude has only changed because I moved to a new area and prior to moving my (s) daughter had talked to MH services here and done some myth busting.Based on tests created or normed by a psychometrician my IQ is at 99.9+ level, but ask me to do an everyday task that even an averagely intelligent person can take in their stride and it’s a whole different ballgame.

Exactly. I’m 98th percentile maybe or lower but ye

Was this always the case, or did it get worse as time went on?

It’s always been the case. It was a contributing factor re my becoming severely mentally ill. Months and months of ‘My parents expect me to go to uni, I’m easily intelligent enough, but I don’t have the non academic,independent living, skills to cope with it’ really did a number on me. It was months and months relentless and very high anxiety that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Sorry to hear that :frowning:

Anxiety sucks big time.

We could all do with a break from it I think

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Nice i see. I should get dx soon

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