Do you know how this medication is doing in trials? When do you think it will be approved for Sz in the US?
It failed phase 3. But they’re still trying to bring it to market.
Nothing after this: It will likely be a while… if they don’t abandon it.

from here:
Plenty of working treatments available right now for those willing to roll up their sleeves. Beats waiting for unicorns and rainbows. Just sayin’.
@shutterbug my shirt will remain sleeveless in terms of APs.
I feel like these articles are older news (pre-October '16). Some people posted more optimistic stuff a while ago.
I really would like to be on an ap which doesn’t cause weight gain…
This article was a bit more positive, I feel:
I read that their stock plummeted recently and hasn’t recovered. Otherwise it looks as though all of the negative publications regarding their results from phase 3 have been removed from the Internet.
I dont know why people still want this to come out, it failed. I like my drugs to work.
I would settle for an occasional psychotic episode rather than be tethered to one of these current meds we have now. I know that sounds crazy, but that’s how badly I hate these antipsychotics
ITI-007 is in phase 3 for bipolar with depression.
The company does not know yet if it will have to conduct another phase 3 trial for schizophrenia.
I wonder if it will be FDA approved for Bipolar only and not Schizophrenia.
This would be a rarity, usually Antipsychotics are approved for Schizophrenia first then Bipolar.
I doubt that they’re going to give up on it so easily. After they spent 10-15 years developing it.
But if it doesn’t work for sz I don’t see how it could work for bipolar. Maybe a bipolar trial will just give them another shot and they are hoping it won’t do the same as placebo.
I think its also in a trial for dementia or alzheimers.
Sometimes these companies run low on money or go bankrupt.
ITI-007 was purchased by Intra-cellular from another company (Bristol-meyers) that was not convinced it would be effective.
It doesn’t sound like good news. I look forward to the day when the antipsychotics target the actual problem at its root and not the symptoms.
I wonder how long we will have to wait? Maybe another 10 or 15 years if things progress at the rate they are now
Maybe we should accept that all our negative symptoms are all psychological.
Yes u may be true …but negative symptoms are hard to treat…
There’s still no meds for negative symptoms. Maybe cariprazine is good. If there’s no meds, the unique way for salvation is treating the psychological side of negative symptoms. Maybe we can treat our social isolation as if it was shyness. At least we’ll try to interact with other people.
Bruz u look super cool in ur photograph…u might have many girlfriends…i am envy of u…how are u…
I hope for MIN 101 Finger crossed my friend