you always say you’re extremely happy and now you’re taking a train ride !! yayyyy
Thanks @jukebox!
Am heading to a big night out in London with my cousins and their friends as the only non-boozer.
Its gonna get messy but i dont mind, I used to be apart of it so I’ll be a totem of sobriety
Condolences. At my job I just left I was invited to the Xmas party and I told them I would not come if there was booze. They told me not to come. I am so glad they spent all that money on DEI. It’s working.
Sounds like a really hallucigenic top. Lol.
OK well I’m gonna just meet up with my boyfriend. I guess. Not sure what we will do all day on our own anyone have any ideas? Maybe attend a church service and then no idea
Perhaps drawing.
Can’t go to my family house. Because my parents don’t want it as I have problems
Sorry about your family. Seems kinda mean.
Yea I’m second class to them.
Kind of getting used to the idea
Beginning to believe I really am a second class human being. And the only one at that.
Well u know what? At least I am cheap
Going to a family Christmas party that I havent been too in at least three years any kind of Social event where I have to interact with other people gives me anxiety this ought to be interesting how this goes for me
Good luck psych ward it might be OK.
I have already had too much Xmas today. Tired of hearing about what the parents need for Xmas. Just go do it without involving me.
We’re having our annual Christmas luncheon at work on the 13th. I’m not looking forward to it except I will get awarded my 10th anniversary bonus then.
Im gonna steal Christmas from all the little whos down in whoville
I was not welcome at the annual Xmas party this year. LOL.
I’m celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas on Christmas Day! Lots of latkes and presents!
I bought my brother a Magic the Gathering deck!
thanks @Zoe yes it will be ok I am trying to be positive about it
You’re not second class because of your family. If anyone is, it’s them. People like that are probably fearful of losing their status or something, but their children are much more important.
Last night I had to go to the tree lighting ceremony in town. Too many people. Now my wife wants to go see the Christmas Train come into a small town near us this evening, which I will go to in order to keep the peace.
If I had stayed in Toronto I would be joining my family at a pricey Christmas dinner at a hotel, but instead I will be spending the holiday alone.