Anxiety & Smoking | Smokefree

I reduced vaping nicotine from 40mg to 2mg, no more anxiety but I still want to stop.

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I threw all my smoking stuff in the trash today.

Lung cancer, emphysema, copd, popcorn lung and sports perfomance decrease. All were on my mind to much.

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The trouble with nicotine is it’s highly addictive and the gains are soon lost to the addiction.

Yeah. You might find some improvements in the prefrontal cortex or whatever the science says any gains are gone because your just feeding the addictive part of it. And…nicotine withdrawal is so bad. It’s up there with opiates which is nuts.

It’s the old double edged sword. As an ex addict I’d say the minute I got over my nicotine addiction was when my anxiety was so much better. It’s a work in progress for sure but it’s real gains.


I hope withdrawals dont give me problems I am cold turkey right now. I actually feel better if anything at the moment.


It’s notoriously hard to give up and I needed medical intervention to do it. I wish you well. It’s so good to live without it but it takes time…give yourself some time to get over it because it’s really bloody hard to let go of.


I have been reading post and I remember you said to like replace the nicotine buzz with some exercise and now I am craving exercise

Also you said tolerance was an issue and at times I would be smoking and it was taking energy from me rather then giving me energy and focus and relaxation or whatever I was doing it for.

@rogueone your support makes me tear up I thank you. I dont really now how to put into words how you are helping. I could not take the stress from having to keep my smoking a secret.

Day at a time. You can only do that so don’t beat yourself up if your relapse. Get back on the bike. It’s a curious chemical it really is in how it enslaves us to a rush that increasingly gets smaller…so your just basically doing it for the addiction.

It’s criminal how it’s been used in society because it really does affect health outcomes…I wish you well I truly do. It’s not easy so one small step at a time.

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