Antipsychotics Appear to Cut Risk of Death by Half in Schizophrenia

Previous studies have shown that patients with schizophrenia have a life expectancy of 15-20 years less than people in the general population, and antipsychotic side effects are often blamed. This study, however, found no such link.

“Overall, the results show that excess mortality among patients with schizophrenia is more likely associated with a lack of antipsychotic therapy rather than with antipsychotic treatment,” researchers wrote.

Full Research Paper here:

Antipsychotics and mortality in a nationwide cohort of 29,823 patients with schizophrenia


Looks nice … thanks for sharing man…

This is very good news. Thanks for posting this thread. So, I can expect to die 7-10 years sooner. Not 15-20 years sooner. That’s good.

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Not surprising. We lose too many young and at the beginnings of illness which tends to bring down the averages quite markedly you’d suspect. Modern pharma is getting better for sure and it’s good seeing this news!

They should do a study on self harm, how many people are harming themselves (to be vague) and at what age/stage of the illness. It doesn’t have to be purely violence, also behaviors which harm us like eating unhealthy and using harmful street drugs.


It helps to know I will not pass away soon. I am trying to live to be a 100.

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