Another reason we wear clothing

It keeps us from nipping each other. @shutterbug has to be down on his knees to get ankles. Not going to win a fight that way. I’m short so I can’t reach the enemy’s face. Life is so frustrating… :upside_down_face:

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It’s time for another 24 hour naked challenge.


I would, but you are in a different classification.

So… on this subject…
I found out my friends girlfriend (who is a civil servant) doesn’t wear clothing when she is at home (!!).
What do we think about that?
I couldn’t believe it was real at first. I thought it was some kind of weird trick/joke for like 40 minutes until I finally accepted that some people are just “different”.

Does she live alone?

She lives with her BF (my pal)

Oh, man, I don’t know if I’d like nudity at home all of the time. But you’ve got to respect the difference. It’s nothing harmful.

I found it super weird. If I ever go there for a drink or something I’m not gonna want to sit in any of their chairs XD

I’m declaring this coming Saturday as a Naked Day.

I’m doing the 24 hr naked challenge from 9am Saturday morning to 9am Sunday morning as the family is off visiting the mother-in-law (without me, thank gawd).

Who’s with me???



Your on your own with that one.

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Hahahahaaaaa well I know the reason but don’t wanna get suspended.

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