Very good! I think that was difficult to get right. She has nice eyes.
Thank you. Yea the hands were quite difficult to draw.
Very nice. I wish I could draw like that.
thankyou magz
i appreciate it
It’s beautiful Mae. Did you ever attend art classes?
thanks Sarah.
i did art classes at high school as a teenager
i have also done a few random art classes
i picked up art as a hobby i think it was this year easter or last year
Perhaps you could attend a good reputable art class again as a way of getting recognised. Your artwork is amazing and deserves to be seen by all.
hey thankyou so much.
well if i ever become confident with art i may consider something yea
have you ever done drawing? do you enjoy it?
Very realistic. I hope you can make a career out of it, some day.
thankyou @Jonathan2
No Mae, I haven’t an artistic bone in my body. My sister did say once that I would have made a good interior designer though. Sadly I lack ambition and motivation.
I really hope you find the confidence, it is sad to see your talent go unnoticed other than here on the forum.
Very good! You capture some strong emotion here. I like it.
Thanks so much @crimby
That’s a great drawing @Zoe!
Thankyou Jeffrey
Very accomplished as usual. You’ve some talent!
Very well done Mae.
You drew that?!
Wonderful love it …