Another Day Another Potential New Schizophrenia Drug Fails The Final Trial

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a new drug pass the final stage trial of testing. Otherwise all I’ve seen is extended release versions of old drugs. This is discouraging to me.,d.eWE

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Yes, I was gutted. But it’s not over yet for iti-007. They’re not saying it failed, just that the placebo response was so strong, it failed to differentiate itself from placebo. Still didn’t prevent the stock price dropping by about 70% though.

People on here are also rooting for minerva min-001, but I’m unfamiliar with that one to be frank.

MIN-101 was generally reported to be well tolerated, and the incidence and types of side effects did not differ significantly between the MIN-101 group and the placebo group. Based upon previous non-clinical and clinical experience, QTcF, a measurement of cardiac function, was closely monitored. Discontinuation criteria based on QTcF prolongation were incorporated in the protocol. Two patients out of 162 who received MIN-101 were discontinued based upon these criteria; both of these patients received the higher dose (64 mg). No metabolic adverse effects, no weight gain and no extra-pyramidal symptoms were observed.

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Yes, this is discouraging. However, there are currently about 30 anti-psychotic medications at various stages of testing for FDA approval.

The most current FDA-approved anti-psychotic (to my knowledge) is Fanapt (iloperidone). However, Fanapt is only FDA-approved for acute psychosis, not long-term use.

Do u have a link to where u get that 30 sz meds fact from? I don’t get why there was only hype about iti 007 and min 101

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Thx. That article is 2 1/2 years old. And a lot of them are just slight variations on current ones.


I’ll try to find a current list.

It’s fine. I already did a lot of searching for anything being made for negative symptoms, not much luck there. I’m okay with the ones for positive symptoms they already have, not very excited about those.

It seems to be just as difficult to get information from the FDA as drug approval.

If I find any information in the near future I’ll be sure to post it.

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It’s a shame that this medication didn’t do well in its last trial. All I keep hearing about is how we need news meds for sz and psychosis. That the old meds have too many side effects etc etc. finally one comes out that shows some promise and it gets defeated in phase 3b of clinical trials? That’s just bs
I guess I’ll have to settle for being stiff, fat and impotent for another 15 years until they find what it is they’ve been talking about all this time. I’m tired of the lip service these puppets like tom insel keep paying us consumers while they roll in the dough they make from the big pharmaceutical companies that have been producing this garbage for the last 20 years. They’re no better than politicians and I highly doubt they care so much about the mentally ill as they say they do. We know they’ve got the tech to do better than what we got now so c’mon and fast track something that’s gonna stop people from suffering.
The meds suck almost as bad as the illness sucks.
This is hardly “living”