An example of executive functioning difficulties

Some may relate to this. I bought microwaveable little potatoes and microwaveable veg to go with some chicken . The potatoes needed 8 minutes and the veg about 5.5 minutes. I put the potatoes in the m/wave first for several minutes in a bowl and then added the veg. They should be m/waved separately but I didn’t know how to coordinate that without the potato or veg getting cold hence why it went together in a bowl. I couldn’t properly judge how long to cook the combined potato and veg . The potato and veg were both quite hard despite getting up and m/waving them again after I’d put them on the plate and sat down to eat .

In future I’ll be getting potatoes that go in the oven .

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Next time put them both in for 8 minutes and take out the veg 5.5 minutes in.


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