That’s interesting… Thanks for posting.
Interesting. I wonder what that means for autism and trauma. I know there’s an overactive amygdala in people with PTSD (me included).
Maybe a future study will show light on the issue.
Isnt there a similar thing with schizophria and the amygdala? Back in the day scientists i think grouped them as one condition (not 100%sure on that)
Yeah Im kinda curious about that too.
Yeah, I remember learning about that in my class for Medical Billing & Coding.
Google search:
Autism was originally described as a form of childhood schizophrenia and the result of cold parenting, then as a set of related developmental disorders, and finally as a spectrum condition with wide-ranging degrees of impairment. Along with these shifting views, its diagnostic criteria have changed as well.
Article (I didn’t read the article, just the part posted above):
Thanks! I dont know if you saw but i posted that i think i have asd. Im trying to learn about it now to be a healthier person. If you have any coping ideas or strategies that you know work id love to hear about them!
My husband has autism! I asked him if he has any tips for you, and he said it depends on what you’re wanting to know.
My advice, is that you should listen to your body and mind. For example, my husband needs time to rest / reset, after any event that requires leaving the house. So, if we go to the Farmers’ Market, he will need to take it easy for the night. If we go out of town, he needs one extra day at home to rest/reset, before going back to work.
I mean, you may not need the same rest & reset, but what I’m trying to say is that you should listen to what your mind & body need. Everyone is different.
But maybe read about autism, maybe look at online blogs or forums, to hear how other people live with it. Maybe you’ll find something that jumps out at you, something you relate to. And you can try to do things differently, depending on what different things are hard for you.
Sorry that my response is so vague. It’s a spectrum, so there are a lot of different experiences with ASD.
Wow thank you so much! You really went above and beyond. Thank you to you and your husband for your help. Its okay the question i asked was very vague haha just i know theres a lot to learn about myself now that ive come to this realization so. And yes ive also joined an autism online group already, so thanks for the suggestions!
thanks. what i know about the amygdala is that it is where agressive behaviour comes from. i dont quite remember the other features. i got agressive in the past when i drunk. i ve being off alcohol for 16 years or more. it is poison for me. i never drink. it excites my amygdalas for sure.
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