Can anybody offer me another view on life? It feels like life is not what society tells you it is or what they believe it is. Feels like people are horrible to those that are different or those perceived as a threat some how. It seems like we are not rational but biased and emotional beings with all are actions rooted in our own benefit or some convoluted self referencing value for others .
I’m not saying that people aren’t kind to those they value but the idea of a good human being or essences of goodness seems to be just stories…
I know living in this world you have to recognize these things but I guess what I’m asking is… what do you think is true in humanity outside of it’s own self seeking?
Me too man… but I’m starting to believe that that position on the spectrum isn’t due to something you can credit to the individual but to the conditions that have rise to that person. I know practically just that person being on the right side of the spectrum matters but it seems that it’s some how diminished because it’s nature of being conditioned.
I feel like maybe this feeling about people is just my suffering and some of the ideas of been exposed to …but it feels real man.
No I think there is innocence and love built into individuals when they’re born. Only problem is it isnt everyone. That’s what the source of our struggle is. I agree with @Jonathan2 there’s an enormous spectrum of human experience… don’t let hate get you down man. It certainly isn’t eternal.
I don’t read the news…all bad…I look for inspiration to art and music and love. I stay in my womb of my house and cling to my wife…it is a scary world to me…all I can say man , is “be innocent as doves and as shrewd as snakes”.
You seem to ruminate on the nature of humanity. I think you need to find some inspirational works/leaders to help you out of the mire. The mind can be a lonely place but I see time filled with beautiful hearts that cry for justice. Try listening to “the futures”!
His stuff is labeled “dark fantasy” but the reality is he makes an effort to diminish the power of hate, elevate the power of love, and moves the mind beyond good and evil. He’s the sh it.