Am i stepping into the twilight zone?

for Monday it was an odd day… I traveled with a friend to do some shopping in a bigger city we stopped for lunch at a popular barbecue restaurant I started suffering from anxiety It was whelming as soon as it came it was gone… on the way back I tried to hold a conversation with my friend as my voices were taunting me in my head… although it had subsided by the time I reached home I was still dealing with pain issues back ache and fibromyalgia from the night before to the cortisone shots wearing off in my elbow and to top it off a low grade fever!!! I napped for 3 hours and awoke to sharp pains, soaked in the tub and found out I had to crawl out a different way, the ex called while I struggled to cook dinner. Later I had terrible thoughts while my perception was somewhat off…

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sorry you are having a hard time… :heart:
know someone cares :sunflower:
take care :alien:

Sorry for your troubles. Do you have a doctor MD?

I’m sorry about your anxiety and fibromyalgia. Sounds like no fun. I sometimes wonder if I have wandered into an alternate universe. There is too much going on in my life that is too unlikely and that there is no explanation for.

Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time DrZen, hang in there. Sometimes it’s bad, but sometimes it’s better.

Hang in there Dr Zen, it will get better.