"All white people are racist"

What do you guys think of this?

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I think just take out the white and black part and then it’s true.

I am mixed race between Africans and Europeans. Both can be very racist towards me. I have been told my soul is dead because I like white men. On black side white MEN are seen as public enemy #1. They are called “devils”. As a mixed person I am called confused. Every group has it’s racism.

The way I read the graph Africa leads in famine since 1940 don’t know why they are not shown in the 20’s and 30’s seems almost like there was no data for those years.

Yet there are those who do not. So everyone is a very strong term.

I support a color blind society.

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Who will wire the houses in this color blind society… lol…


Imagine if there was no US NEC electrical color-code :scream: :nerd_face:


All cows eventually get tipped over. Quasall

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No, the only decades where Africa leads are the 1980s and the 2000s. Even then, those numbers are absolutely dwarfed compared to the famine deaths in Asia and Europe throughout the century.

The bars show total deaths, with each bar split up to show what portion of the deaths came from which geographical area. The size of the color block is what matters, not how close it is to the top of the bar.

Famine is different than starvation of course. Not to bring up semantics. I must admit famine is a huge problem that leads to starvation.