"All white people are racist"

I pride myself on being equally obnoxious to all regardless of race, gender, or orientation.


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I, or no one else can say that all white people are racist. I nor does anyone else know all white people. As someone stated in an earlier post, you (we, us) cannot generalize. Do white people have the more opportunity to be racist? Certainly, as they
are the dominant, master race, they do have more opportunities. However; even for white people the playing field is not level. All are not rich, privileged, educated, drug-free, healthy,nor mentally competent. They have problems like everyone else (other races) but, because there are more of them and they are in power we often see, hear more of them being racist. It is as Katherine Craig, society is skewed in their favor-they are society. But since, the world and especially the US is becoming more culturally diverse racism will never go away- but the voices will not be so loud, and the faces not so visible.


I’m from Australia…it’s not advertised but immigration post ww2 to Australia was all about white people. They actually called their immigration policy white Australian policy! Like go figure!

It’s funny in some respects. They didn’t care which whites so you got like slavic nations who hated each other coming over here…Australia is a great country but that led to a lot of hate and violence.

I’m white…I’ve been brought up as racist…not from my family. They love everyone but from my society. It isn’t kosher and it’s nothing to be proud about. How the aborigines have been treated over here is shitty…like any natives who came into contact with European expansion.

I try hard to love and live. I try hard to look past how I’m brought up but seriously. I’ve been brought up racist and I’ve fought that all my life…I’m a committed leftist and love the littley people!

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A racist is someone who has power and can oppress one group. you have to possess the ability to control a group and effect their lives/status to be a racist. We(society) often use racism where we mean prejudice. All of us can be prejudice, but all of us do not have the ability to be racist. An employer can be racist if prevents a person of color /religion/disability/gender/age from obtaining employment. That;s racism/ageism/sexism…etc. Joe Smoe saying he doesn’t like African-Americans cause they smell funny is prejudice and ignorant -but not racist. He has not the power or authority. IJS

I think disliking a person based on race is racist. I think that Joe shmo would be a racist for saying that or at least it is a racist comment. It is prejudice and racist.

Thank you for that, I stand corrected, a racist can be someone who just harbors a prejudice or a belief. They do not have to authority, so Joe Smoe would be a racist for saying that. By the by, I actually heard that said recently- that’s why I used it as an example.

I see your point as well though and it is a good one. Joe shmo would be making a racist comment, it doesn’t immediately mean he’s a full on racist to the extreme. I think it is still more likely a racist would suggest that. Not a full on racist who would refuse to speak to another race though, those are usually ones who wish death to them.

@exhile @anon40653964 guys… you’re talking about poverty but comparing it with statistics on GPD. That doesn’t make any sense. You need to look at GDP per capita (PPP or nominal). But yes, there is a lot of poverty in the world still - on every continent.

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That makes sense, I think there would be a difference in lifestyles at the very least. That much is true everywhere though.

I don’t think there is much real poverty in the west, I mean that you have to die of hunger or thirst.

That’s not usually how poverty is anywhere, though. That’s the extreme. Even in very poor countries, people usually have food and water.

I agree with that for the most part. No shoes and no food is worse than not the shoes you want and no good food.

This one is pretty interesting.

Notice how Europe accounts for a big part of deaths by starvation during the last century. Africa accounts for a very small part.

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That was likely due to the influenza plague which killed more people than all the casualties of WW1 combined. Not to mention the improvement of technology.

We had a food shortage in many parts of Europe at that time. These deaths are attributed to famine.

That may be but the fact remains that it is not so today.

That’s true, and it was part of my point that “real” poverty is much more than dying from starvation. Here’s the article which explains the numbers: https://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2013/05/daily-chart-10

Apparently, most of the deaths are due to political crises, and not just poverty in itself.

But malnourishment is still a big problem, although it is steadily decreasing. The world already produces enough food to eliminate starvation and malnourishment. Some poor countries have no shortage of food or water.


Yeah I agree, more children are surviving now than ever based on births. I think crime and unrest is due to the comparable poverty to other nations.

Not all caucasians are white.

She was taken out of context. You need to see her interviews explaining what she meant.