"All white people are racist"

Last week, model Munroe Bergdorf hit headlines when a statement she’d posted on social media following the protests in Charlottesville allegedly calling all white people racist was leaked to the Daily Mail. Since then, Bergdorf has received rape threats and death threats, been accused of “playing the victim”, and been sacked from a L’Oréal campaign that, ironically, celebrates diversity.

For the record, I’m white. I don’t hate other white people. Lots of my friends are white. Yet the statement “all white people are racist” doesn’t make me angry. It makes me sad, because I believe it’s probably true.

How does such an over the top statement by the transgender model help race relations?

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where I come from it is 200% true. Even I have friends who are ‘afraid’ their kids marry certain religions, cultures and skin colors .

I wonder how she would have felt if someone had suggested the equally outrageous " All non white people are wannabe thieves and murderers".

maybe she made this statement to get popular in the media.

You just can never generalize.

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I wouldn’t say all are racist but most have a racist thought at least once in their life. I’m lucky enough to think racism is always wrong. I know it to be wrong. I’ve met good and nice people in all shapes and sizes. If you go on thinking otherwise it’s prejudice. That being said there are beautiful nice people.


Maybe you need to read her interview. To fully understand what she meant.

I don’t agree with her. People make stupid comments that are remembered forever now with the internet. It goes both ways. Mention any race is 100% racist and it would cause a stir. I think there is a bit of hate being preached daily in Charlottesville, anyone there long enough would get upset over time.

The people who made those threats proved her point in spades.

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All people are racist is the uncomfortable truth. I had this argument and debate with another person who stood by it and though the conversation was lengthy I had to accept this terrible reality. It is hard wired and although that is currently the case, it could change.

While he had to concede that all humans are fundamentally the same, I had to concede that social biases and prejudice control us whether we like it or not. Ultimately, I argued that epigenetic changes to the genetic programming could eventually hard wire us not to be unconsciously racist through a program of multi cultural measures, and that interbreeding to spread the genetic diaspora and improve the genetic footprint of all humans would always happen to the minority of humankind anyway.

Thus it is not only a case that all whites are racist, but all other races are too.


I don’t think that’s 100% true most definitely not 100% of the time. It is taught be it by environment or parents. When I was a baby I played with all the brown babies. As far as we were concerned we were all types of dinosaurs and animals.

I find this topic interesting. I hope it’s not against the rules.

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Let us be intolerant of racism!

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I don’t know if I would say let us be intolerant. Sometimes I’ve learned it’s not worth fighting over. It’s better to rise above it. Sometimes people change their mind for a particular person. If we are intolerant from the get go, they’ll never choose to learn better. I’ve met racist folk who are okay with at least one person outside their race. It’s a start.

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As far as forum rules though I agree. Racism should not be a subject to preach hate about.

I was kind of making a joke. Responding to racism with an extreme and absolute reaction like intolerance is a bit silly. You see?

Yeah. It’s a shame the opposite side of that intolerance is extermination of a race.

I believe we are one human species. Like dogs not every pitbull gets along with every pitbull but pitbulls can get along with any kind of dog. Not everyone will get along with every person they meet. Luckily, schizophrenia.com is a place where we can all relate to at least a few things other people would never experience. Madness hahaha. I think for the most part we get along here. It is nice to know I’m not the only one that imagines weird things.


In the article…:

in western society we are all taught (explicitly or implicitly) that lighter is better.

The same applies everywhere. I can tell you that my fellow yellow people (ethnic Chinese) in my community are racist too. They make fun of and look down on South Asian and black man.

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It happens without a doubt. Throughout the world. I think the worst is when someone feels the whole race should be wiped from the earth.

Does being racist against racists…make you racist? Thats how ridiculous the world has become…thats a valid question…

All humes come to this world the same and all leave the same… arguing amongst themselves is a massive waste of a short ride…