"All white people are racist"

Huh. I never experienced that when we sold our homes. Our home in Edmonton went to a nice Sikh couple. The important thing for us was that they came close to our asking price.


When my mother put her house for sale she received several death threats from other white homeowners.

It is decreasing as minorities become more evenly populated, but racism is becoming more aparent in a minority of people at least in the U.S.

Reminds me of the ‘great’ Milo Stewart:

Extremism is at a 40 year high in the USA???

I don’t know. Maybe it’s always been, but now there are pictures at rallies where nobody protested before. The internet has allowed people to communicate more easily. A lot of hate in youtube comments.

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Islamophobia is apparent in North America and Europe with all what these Jihadists are doing. Islamophobia is a form of racism.

Religionism? Haha. Sadly it’s true do to a small amount of people who consistently think of ways to kill others. Kinda like the way schizophrenia is portrayed by the media.

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Oh man i totally troll youtube comment sections… its pretty hateful sometimes… but i always enjoyed a smart funny burn vs just seeing who yells the loudest…

I once told a kid who was just stealing other users scripts on popular topics and just re reading them… “the spider that lives on your head has eaten your eyebrows…just thought you should know” … it was a good description of him… i got many likes and thanked for the joke lol… its ok to be a dick just dont be an ■■■■■■■… lol

@kindness It’s very different on the West Coast of the US where property values are sky rocketing due to an influx of wealthy East Asians.

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It’s always been raising on the west coast. Except during the recessions. I remember at work I met a guy who bought a house for 70,000 in the 70’s.

Thats funny… america buys slave made goods from east asain countries… our demand cannot be stopped… now they are making it too expensive for americans to live in america… thats business though and history…

OMG. That’s unreal.

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Uh, no. Islam isn’t a race.


I think any large population can have an economic impact. It seemed the European Union was trying to counter China’s economic growth. I think it’s because China has so many people who would work for less. A bit like immigrants taking the produce picking jobs in the U.S. It may also be because a disparity in wages and income. U.S. still feeds the world essentially. It is one of the countries that exports the most lettuce for example. It reminds me to be thankful for my food. At least once in awhile. Maybe when I was more religious I ate less because of it. Gluttony hah.

China is aiming to be the largest economy in the world but it may take a decade to realize this achievement. China is already at the top in terms of GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) but is 3rd in GDP (nominal).

I say good for them Mexico is number 15 and I’ve heard say California alone could make the top 8 at one point.

“All white people are racist”. I think that is a very racist statement.

Yes it is. 15151515

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I think the sad part is when it’s taken to an extreme such as “those people don’t deserve to live”.

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