"All white people are racist"

I don’t think disliking racists is racist but I do think it leads to nowhere before approaching with some understanding.

If you found out someone was racist would you interact with them differently… im not defending racism thats a total waste of energy… but wanted to make the point you cannot hate away hate…

Not really, just not comment on racist comments. That’s about it. I mean about treating them differently.

Your not racist thai… nor are you a hate monger…

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Thank you. I take that as a solid compliment. I’m far from perfect but there are more good people than bad in the world.


Maybe… i like to think so too but the world is constantly trying to prove me wrong it seems…

I think everyone does a bad thing once in awhile, it’s when a group of people have that once in awhile that it becomes more often. It’s like lying on top of a lie. I mean I find it funny cause I’m stoned but I think, “angry man are you angry all the time? Is that the root of all your problems?” I think this sometimes about racism but I don’t mention it.

Saying ‘All white people are racist’ is generalizing a personality trait of an entire “race” of people based on their skincolor and/or cultural heritage.
As far as I’ve learned, that’s what racism is. So in saying that, SHE was the racist one.
OH, and before anyone starts: yes, non-caucasians can be racist too…


Yup hatred sadly is found in every race. She said a racist thing. Definitely.

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Lol ok… is the act of calling another person racist for being racist about racism… is that mess of the english language racist?..

Totally a joke question.

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I once heard, “Yes! Say NO to racism.” I’m joking too.

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There’s a sign up on my drive “Everybody is racist: including you!!”

That’s all it said

In a white neighborhood (only a white person around here would do something so ridiculous). Okay I’m racist against “some white ppl” sorry. But don’t get what the point those people are trying to make. “Everyone is racist, including you, including me too!! So we’re all racist and that’s the point I’m making”. Wat. ???

I’ve had people tell me to check my privilege. I checked and it’s doing just fine, thanks.

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It happens. It definitely isn’t true all the time. I don’t think one moment fully defines the person you are unless you’re hurting another. That is what causes racism. One moment when someone is hurt by another. It is a deep rooted hate that shouldn’t be associated with everyone.

You should have asked them how their privilege was. :stuck_out_tongue:

They didn’t seem like people I was interested in spending more time in conversation with – I had to rush home and cut my toenails.


A thing readily available for anyone in this country. Lol

If white people and black people got to know each other racism would decrease, but most suburban cities are either 100% white or !00% black.

I live in a suburban city with a population of 20,000 people, yet I only know of 2 black people who own homes in my city. The main reason for this is that white people will not sell their homes to black people because of pressure from other white homeowners who believe that black homeowners would decrease property values. Also, if black people do become homeowners in a predominately white, suburban city there is often ‘white flight,’ a mass exodus of white people selling their homes and moving to another predominately white suburb.

Whether it’s racism or economics or both, it’s certainly very sad.


I think if you are white and male you’ll get it thrown at you regardless of your actual social status. Even by people who ,by dint of income and social status, are in a far better position than you are.

It doesn’t help that firearms are so readily available in poverty. It leads to man killing his own, no matter which way you see it.