All right. Time to 'fess up!

Absolutely nothing.
I am neither proud nor ashamed.
It is what it is.
My material needs are low at the moment.
If I were to buy something, it would be modern books about science and AI. I doubt they offer discounts for those on Black Friday, anyway.

lo cash cycle so not buying.

Need to save some coin for new computer. This one is 2 years old and although good components dust and general wear and tear says it won’t last forever.

So. This year. Way less boozing and more exercise but need to start saving coin. It’s my real bugbear because I like to eat well and money has no hold on me but I have no hold on it…I’ll spend to my limits and it’s not smart.

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I bought a few Christmas presents, socks, a mug & keyring, i want to get my Sister some Pj’s, i also ordered E-Drums and i got a free software worth 77euros.


Absolutely nothing, and I am actually doing a $120 Amazon RETURN today.

What little material items i own are suffocating me…and i do mean little…I need to be able to run in one load of a Volkswagen Jetta…not that i am going to…

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We have a Double 11 (11th November) shopping day in China. It’s like Black Friday. I bought some presents for Spring festival, fish oils, Chocolates, and shampoo.


I may or may not have bought more yarn. :innocent:


I just bought my Sister a nice cream elastic belt, it looks really good, she better not return it. lol.

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I ordered a Christmas CD album with four disks. Yes, I still use a CD player. Don’t laugh. :smile:


Before I start, is there a word maximum here? :sweat_smile:


Probably not as you’re talking to the guy looking at upgrading his drone.

Edit: And also at purchasing an under the desk treadmill.


I actually stuck to my list really well. I did get extra storage for the guys’ Xboxes that was on a good sale at Best Buy that wasn’t planned. I asked for a bicycle instead of a guitar for myself, and myself promptly got it. Clothes, a blanket for my youngest that she wanted, etc etc. Like I said, most of it was on a planned list.

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I want the drone but I don’t need the drone. I took it out of my basket. I’m not walking enough and having a treadmill helped with this in the past. Mine wore out because of how much I used it. The compact one I’m looking at slides under my work desk, so it would be really helpful. It’s cheaper because it can’t be used for running, but I can’t run so why pay for functionality I don’t need?


I braught a a big fat sweet fa

Whut the whut?


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Good thinking. The treadmill is a great idea, especially since you use it.

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Sweet f u c k a l l

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Hehehe. Easier on the credit card.

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Yes it is lol



Damn it. Got the treadmill, but THAT IS IT.

I hope.

Some accessories for the bike are screaming my name. So hard to ignore. They go together. They are a group and should be together.

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