After Hospitalization

Well…I ended up going to the hospital for about 3 and a half weeks. I had the worse persecutory voices I’ve had in a long time. For most of my stay I was flipping out about the CIA coming after me. It was awful. The threats that I was getting were atrocious. Some of things they had said were that they were gonna give my powerful psychedelics put headphones on me and play some of the most horrific music… It really gets terribly bad after that and I really don’t want to say more because it’s so damn horrible.

During my last week at the hospital every day I kept hearing that I’m doomed and that the CIA were gonna abduct me on my ride home off the highway. I made it home and no abduction! I feel so much better now I’m home and found that I’m safe and sound.

I still hear voices of the CIA trying once again telling me that I’m gonna get abducted from my home. I am trying to do all of my therapeutic techniques while home… stuff that has helped me in the past.

Yes I got a Med increase… yes I’m working with my Doctor / Therapist / and case manager.

Wish me luck, send good vibes, and pray if you like… Thank you


I’m glad your working closely with a doctor and therapist. We are all here to support you. Glad to hear you’re out of the hospital.

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As @everhopeful replied before, it is good that you have so much insight!

Like yourself, I had some very unpleasant times with schizophrenia.

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I hope increasing med will help your voice. God bless you.

You’re better off at home to deal with this as long as you feel safe.

If the hospitals are anything like they are here, they’re have no therapeutic benefits. Just holding cells.

I went through a similar experience with voices telling me that I was gonna be killed, at the hospital and then again at home. Well becuase my father was in the IRA they told me they couldn’t attack my house so I felt safe there but anywhere I went they said I’d be followed. they felt utterly real and were just like real people, I believed everything they said. It’s a long story but nothing ever happened to me. Their just hallucinations remember that

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