I’ve been hospitalized for this already… I’m now on a higher dose of my medication and I am in care by my mental health center.
I just don’t know how to process this… I am continually hearing voices of the CIA saying that they are gonna abduct me from my home. When I was in the hospital everyday I kept hearing that I was screwed. I had no hope. They were basically promising me that they were gonna abduct me on my way home from the hospital… They said within the first 5 miles from the hospital they were gonna take me away. I mean they were pretty much swearing that it was gonna happen. Yet I made it home. I’ve been trying to hold on to the fact that I made it home safely. But now that I am home (While the voices are not as influential as they were when I was on a a lower dose.) I am starting to hear voices that something is gonna happen to me while at home. I’m trying so hard to process this… I’m trying to apply my own tactics on how to deal with this like remembering how in the past I have had experiences telling me that I would be killed or die at such a time and it never happened. I wish I had a better support network and I’m trying to work on that.
I just wish someone could tell me something to just make these problems go away.