About EASE
Anomalous subjective experiences, described since early 20th century, are thought to be intrinsic to schizophrenia and considered as constituting the phenotypic validity anchor of the schizophrenia spectrum concept. Although neglected in modern psychiatry, due to the dominating behaviouristic approach, they nevertheless have been thoroughly investigated in continental European psychiatry, where it has been shown that their presence antedates future psychosis.
Anomalous experiences of self-awareness (self-disorders) are a sub-group of subjective pathology. Self-disorders are not explicitly mentioned in the current classificatory systems even though these symptoms can be classified under e.g. odd thinking or perceptual disturbance in criteria for schizotypal disorder in both ICD-10 and DSM-IV.
But what IS it?
@Moon Sensations like depersonalization and not feeling at home in your own body, like your body is a stranger to you, or that you drift away, just to mention the most common delusions.
Depersonalization is described as feeling disconnected or detached from one’s self. Individuals experiencing depersonalization may report feeling as if they are an outside observer of their own thoughts or body, and often report feeling a loss of control over their thoughts or actions
Abnormal self delusions, like deperzonalisation is supposed to be a very effective way to diagnose SZ in the beginning.
That is what it means.
Written during a very stressed period a few months before my wife died.
iF IAM F***ing lucky i 'll get to have the mental fever breaking bit was
what happened real or wasit a dream disconnected everythingh is
unaturally calm bit with the room looking
slighly weird insome way smaller bigger clearer just basically somehow
out of sync like everything is veing seen through the lwens of a an
avant garde camera man stoned on on lsd.
Sorry to hear @firemonkey sorrow can break your ego down
Thanks for your research, i read your posts frequently.
I wonder, this might be quite left field, whether there’s been any link between the ABPs and flu like symptoms ?
I’m very prone to those when overly stressed . They last about 6-24 hours .
It might the opposite way around, when you are having a cold or a flue,You feel your body in another way.
I also have theese flu like symptoms when stressed