Abilify really seems to numb me to the fact I can't do anything

I see a lot of people complaing that they can’t do anything and getting down about it. I don’t seem to have the same depressed feeling about it even though I’m in the same boat.

But it got me thinking. Maybe there’s other reasons too. I was diagnosed late in life so I have actually done stuff. Had a career and relationships , travelled etc.

But to be honest I think it’s the anti depressant properties of abilify :confused:


do you mean you have no desires? or you have desires but you are neutral about it. (careless) to achieve

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I have desires but I’m lacking in ability to achieve them now.

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@everhopeful what do you mean numb ? Do you feel like you don’t have your usual emotions watching say a movie ? I tend to cry more now that I’m not on Abilify (watching a movie). I can also laugh at comedic scenes that I wouldn’t usually find funny

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in what way really financial or physically or mentally ?
I was like that through psychosis and med changed it for me to a certain extent.

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No, I mean everybody seems to be getting down about their inability to do stuff. And I think I would probably feel the same way if it wasn’t for abilify. It’s like it numbs the pain so to speak.

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Lacking in mental ability. I have really bad avolition. Avolition seems to be my main stumbling block.

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Well in a sense , yes it does numb feelings of sadness… as it has ad properties but not sure it works same way as ssri

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I don’t get down about my inability to do stuff, i think it’s interesting. Of course it was hard to accept early in course of illness, i would cry a lot. But five years later i’m not down about it anymore and all i take is zyprexa. I think ppl who r down about it havent gone through acceptance stage, this site is a mix of ppl who r early and still adjusting and veterans.

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Yeah. Maybe some acceptance has kicked in. I was in denial for quite a while. That could be it too. I don’t want to equate acceptance with giving up though.


It’s probably the antidepressant properties of Abilify kicking in too.

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What do you mean you can’t do anything?
You certainly participate here.
That’s already something.
Also from what I remember you said you watch TV - heck of a something!!

I am low functioning but never say that I can do nothing.

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I have been diagnosed for 7 years now. @everhopeful @Esm It took me 3 years to just feel like myself again.
What do you mean by acceptance? Should I accept I am someone who can not do anything and I am ill and doomed for the rest of my life on disability. Not in a single moment. It maybe a character but i fail over and over again until I reach my goal, whatever it is.

I am not in denial, I am perfectly conscious that I was ill, humiliated, psychotic, alone, traumatized. What else?
But I wanna move on and have a good life. I am always trying to find ways to improve the quality of my life in certain things which are possible for anybody.

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Yea, i dont either, it was hard for me to accept severe anhedonia, u cant alter that tho. I push myself to do stuff, but in a broader sense i have to accept my life is dam near intolerable.


Good for u. U don’t have to compare urself to me. I am in weird position that i am bedridden when i am alone. Only time i’ll do activities is with family. I am my therapists only bedridden sz, and if i got a life i would be her only bedridden patient that also has social life.

I am sorry you say that. what makes you like that? I have anhedonia too but i do push myself to do things too. It is ups and downs mostly but what about you? I think you are 28 ?!

Maybe you have not found the right medication combination.

29 Very severe anhedonia. Don’t think i could make the ppl on this forum understand. I really felt life was not tollerable when it first hit, and it kinda isnt, that’s why i lie in bed. Many peeps on this forum are isolated, but they still do activities alone. That’s why i am weird, if ever i am alone i lay in bed, so to do stuff i have to break sz boundaries and be social, but that is painful too.

I am so sorry =(

Wish I had something nice to say but life goes on, whether you participate or not. Do what you think is best for you ! It is your life and I wish you well.

Yeah i dont wanna bring ppl on the forum down. I know like u they wanna see brighter days. I do stuff too, i havent necessarily given up, but dont think its that easy either.

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It is not easy at all. All of us are struggling in something, condition, medication, anhedonia, hallucinations and it is a constant struggle but you need to keep the ambition to achieve something in your life, you know? It is something I struggle with too. I got fired twice, last year -the whole year I was talking to myself, crying, depression. It is like the end of the world. But ups and downs is a lot better and satisfying than being completely dysfunctional or just ‘let go’

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