Yeah I’ve refused it, as much as I like it, BC it makes me manic too… Most benzos make me manic except klonopin but again, I always abuse benzos
I am on Ativan 5 mg at night and that seems to work well
Yes, definitely heard and know all about naltrexone and would like to get the vivitrol shot, but have to ve off suboxone for 14days I believe and that withdrawal is literal hell and my kids would suffer from having a non functioning mother… Never ending cycle seems like
How much lithium are you on?
Oh sorry I thought you said lamictil. I’m not on lithium right now. I was over ten years ago on it. I’m on 200mg lamictil tho
And thank you! Was an iv heroin user for over 8 years… Awful awful life to live
Yeah I heard you can wean off suboxone then once you reach like 1 mg or less it gets real difficult. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I knew a man on suboxone since around the time it came out. Still on it. Whatever keeps him away from heroin especially with the fentanyl epidemic happening in the market of opioids right now.
I did say I was on lamictal and I actually got admitted to psych ward while on it and they took me off!!! I was so sad since the ramp up time is months. But then I got lithium and everything got better.
Yeah its bad stuff. I want off the sub’s but I function on it and am not using/craving heroin. I’m down to 2mg a day from 16mg a day
I’ll have to ask about possibly adding lithium. I feel like my doctor just changes my meds far too fast… Its been ten years since I’ve been on lithium it may have a different effect now… Idk
I’ve had three friends od this year on fentanyl-heroin so far. Scary stuff. Do you live in the USA?? I live in the north east where the epidemic is real bad. As scary as it was when you quit two years ago it’s scarier and worse now.
I’m on 10mg abilify. I take 5mg nightly, 5mg morningly. Abilify does something to dopamine…I forgot. But when I first started taking it, it made me stimulated. Now I notice nothing. It’s very expensive tho. My parents just paid 153.40 for 30 days.
Opiates make me nauseous. I guess I’m lucky
Isn’t enjoyable to me. I’ve tried Vicodin kratom Oxys and Percocet. All of these once. Kratom was the only one I found remotely enjoyable, I got the stimulating strains when I did… Now I’m on naltrexone if I took kratom I wouldn’t feel it ONE BIT. So I don’t even bother.
Wow, I’m sorry to hear about the opiates man… They don’t do any thing to me, thank goodness.
But I’m really craving OTC cough gels. Bought a pack of cigs tho
Im on 10mg Abilify and the main thing I notice is sexual dysfunction ie. lowered or no libido at that. I hope when I come off them, my libido will return with a vengeance Otherwise, I feel very much like myself…
I also had 0 sex drive just had no interest in it. Abilify scared me for some reason it might have been the lady who issued them for me at the dispensary thought was poisoning me. Another reason was I had constant eye problems. It just never went well, and seems to work so well for most people. In the end im not concerned about weight gain or sex drive, I just want the hallucinations to be kept at bay.
Good Luck
I think when I was on ability I actually asked for viagra and for it
I’m so sorry that happened to you,
@Moonwalker just 300 mg. And 100 mg of Lamictal too. He said he added the Lithium to combat the compulsions I’m getting from the Abilify.