A story about Mozart

An aspiring young composer asked Mozart if he would teach him how to write a symphony. Mozart answered, “You’re too young. You should begin with something easier.” The student said, “But, you were writing symphonies when you were only ten.” to which Mozart replied, “Yes, but I didn’t have to ask anyone how.”



Some Stories Are Unexplainable. . .

So. How Can One Even Discover The Intelligence To Even Ask. . .

As The Courage Fades Into Contempt Of Unfathomable Court. . .

Hope, True Love, Joy, And Peace!.

P.s. Mother Nature Won’t Ever Sink, She Dives Really…, Really…, Really Deep. . . . . . .

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I love your words,@ATARI but even Mother Nature has to come up for air.


I Agree Mother Nature Is Beyond All. . .

Hope, True Love, Joy, And Peace!.

P.s. Mother Nature Dreams Honest Dreams For Each And All To See. . . . . . .

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