There’s something
Out there
That would
Fulfil me.
I’d bring you a pizza but I’m pretty sure we don’t deliver to Europe.
Lol that’s funny
I sure hope so, I’ve dealt with a longing that hasn’t gone away for a long time.
I tried fulfilling myself in various ways, still haven’t found it yet, but I’m still trying. I think that’s worth something.
Always thought provoking work, cheers @everhopeful
Friendship, maybe?
It requires getting out in order to gather the strength to face what is within.
Any idea what that might be?
I wish I knew !
Well it gives you something to live for. Some food for thought. This quest for something to make you complete or whole. It hurts not having “it” but as long as you believe it exists you can still hope right? Hope is very important for people with sz.
Good point
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