A poem: Lost but found

Everything was a complete mess. No matter how hard she tried to express herself, no words would come out of her mouth. And it bothered her. To the brink of death. She wrote poems, lyrics, texts, messages, but no matter what she did, nothing seemed to be enough.

How are you
Are you fine?
You’ve been on medication
For such a long time

It makes you

Ev’ry time
Why are you wasting your life with
this killing machine…
It’s gotta be a dream

And she ran. In to the woods. No pressure, no nothing. No one she could hurt and no one that could hurt her. She had been like that for a long, long time. Pushing everyone far, far away. Because eventually she would go and die. In the woods and all alone. She was so tired of being the ugly one, so tired of being mistaken. So tired of being misunderstood and so tired of not being loved. But her weary mind, always made her come back. She was not the one to take her life.

As she looked back on her diary she cried. Not tears of sadness, fear maybe, but mostly happiness. She had taken a pill that night, but maybe… just maybe this was a different time for her. And those who brought her here, would not be the ones to drag her down. Not this time. No. She was determined that the day she started feeling the way she was feeling now, she would not give up. No matter what would’ve happened. And that made her calm. Very calmed in her mind.