A poem during psychosis

I started the fire That exploded the stars
I raised my hand And the river flooded the lands.
The great catastrophe has begun
I am its maker, its master, its god.
The earth shakes beneath you
Because of my command
It cracks and falls to nothing below.
Your homes swallowed by the fertile soil
And ripped to shreds by the darkened sky
My voice rings out β€œI rule the heavens and earth below.”
Fall down before me.
I will destroy your lands and your family
And all that you possess. Then you will run to me and offer up your sacrifice
When I am pleased with an offering
I am benevolent
When you do not give me your finest
I will know because I can see
Deep inside you. I know you to the depth of your soul.
Come away and bring with you my gift
We shall see what your fate will be.
Shall you fall into the never ending gorge. Or will you fly above the stars.


wow, that’s powerfull.

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