My favorite music is modern rock, but I also like 80’s music. I’m listening to it right now on the music channel on tv. Does anybody like 80’s music?
@everhopeful! someone is calling for you!
It’s what I grew up with. I tended to go for punk/post-punk/new wave or whatever, but I remember all sorts of new music from every genre all the time. It was pretty exciting. And back then, it seemed like everything was unique in its own way. Fond memories.
Michael Jackson
Rick Astley
I love eighties music!
love it but theres too much to sum it up in words let me just post
I grew up in the 80’s but listened to alternative rock. Plenty of amazing bands from that time that never had the fame or success. I still listen to a lot of it even till today!
Yeah, in the 80’s it was really popular.
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