24 hours without power just ended

It was a real test for me because I was off oxygen, conserving what I had. I was doing really well, so I think sometime I may be able to get on less. It did test me, thought. Especially at night.
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”


I don’t think that’s true when it comes to oxygen deprivation.

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I just mean I had to work to breathe deeply and not let the sz dominate my mind.

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I have COPD.


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thank goodness you are o k !! now I have to worry about you too @PinCushion


It’s easy to forget how much we depend on the power for everything- especially when it comes to something to eat.

Glad you’re ok @PinCushion!

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@jukebox, don’t spend a moment worrying about me. I’ve lived 74 years already which is longer than a lot of my friends ever did. Every day is a gift.
@Jayster, are you on oxygen?


was there a storm or something?

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High winds. Weather here is relatively mild due to the Great Lakes, but we have exceptions now and then.


'm not on oxygen, my friend needs oxygen.


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Does he carry a tank around with him when he goes out? It really is an adjustment.

No tank, per se. She carries around a battery operated concentrator, which takes every day air and turns up the O2 available in that air.


I’ve heard of those machines and they are too expensive for me. That’s ok. Ya can’t have it all. :slightly_smiling_face:

She doesn’t own the machines. Her health insurance pays for the rental.

My insurance won’t pay for one. At least that’s what I thought. I’ll have to look into it myself.

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Do you meant; the wested time in working to breathe deeply is the time of expulsion the Sz from my mind"
Or I had to work to make the breathe in/out deeply process to not yet the Sz overlap with my mind thoughts “united process”
Or you do 2 processes in the same time,first ; I had to work to breathe deeply (to save the biological life ),second process which be occurs with the synchronization " you have try to not let the sz dominate my mind"- separated processes

I mean sz tends to find me thoughtless and pessimistic in feeling and with the added problem of not getting my usual amount of oxygen, it was work to be sane and rational.

This means that ,the Sz effect expends some amount of your oxygen !

Yes, the mind requires a certain amount of energy, especially a frustrated mind.

Chemical Energy be used by frustrated mind or genius to achieve the mental process regardless the subject or the results of thinking ,there is no especial in the issue ,

But in any time of waking ,you have single current thought running in your mind related any subject
The question;what Sz do with this thought ?