Zen commandments

Mtv night was cancelled the following day😕
Court wasgood Friday(yesterday). Court again in three days for something else(citation)
I’m a good person though
Sooo yea God is great. Always but I still need a job.

Yesterday :arrow_heading_up:

Monday will be my second day at iop.
Still unemployed
Crazier than ever. …paranoid…
As the days go by…I never had a car or even a license. Yes I’m capable but I’m my own opponent.
Still trying to get clean and detach from people,places,and things. I definitely want to go back to school😖 I’m not ready yet.
Soon I’ll be.
The tools I need are endless


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Got the meds.
Iop 6/25. (24%)
Two possible leads but still unemployed

seraquel trazedone and olanzepine .
still unemployed but im doing a side job. finished my probation for my 2014 case

Been at this crib since November’16.
I only had one job since i got out of rehab.