What's the ideal man like anyway?

what is he like anyway?!

My mom - when she met my dad - she thought he was very handsome - and that’s it.
it was a bad choice.

when i met my partner - I liked his energy.

Maybe The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida will help you.

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Great book. A must read for any man.

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He looka like a man…


He has the same values as you. I.e. You both feel the same way about things that are important to you.


As a guy i think the only thing you can control is how much effort you put in to be the best version of yourself you can be. It’s out of your control whether someone likes you or not, but you don’t have to give them reasons to not like you.


I don’t have anything to do - so nothing personal - just having fun =)

My man I think is ideal for me.
He is great!

Love him.:gift_heart:

He has amazing qualities.

It depends on for who…

Probably a Mountainman with good looks and a charming personality… :stuck_out_tongue:


Thought it was a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

We’re pretty obsolete these days as we can make artificial sperm.


“What’s the ideal man like anyway?”

I am the ideal man.

lol I bet Nick already said this.

lol lol lol yeah, I almost forgot bout that. lol lol true! true!

thread = trick question

Ideal is specific to the individual. But it’s ideal if a man is respectful, accepting, encouraging, supportive, confident and stable.


if men were attractive:

  1. taller
  2. older
  3. job (or rich)
  4. no MI
  5. army
  6. blue eyes

I think both for women and men

  1. someone who gets you like - 99.9% this is crucial
  2. someone who makes you laugh and knows how to cheer you up
  3. someone who puts effort into the relationship as much as you
  4. someone who has good morals and values that match yours
  5. someone you have fun with - and can be intimate at the same time



Nah man. :slight_smile: Those little bicycles are very important. Without them the tank looks dull and lifeless. Kind of an accessory.


basically this:


Very attractive to me, kind, loving, affectionate, considerate, compassionate, prioritizes me, respectful

Hard to run across. Hence my being happily single.

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A woman needs a man like a pail of jelly needs a back seat ride to the airport at midnight.

