What is your coping mechanism?

Mine apart from medication is to use humor when my moods allow it. Last night I texted my mom for three hours straight joking about cows. Sweet woman! She tolerated it.


Sounds like you have a wonderful mother!


She is. I have to be careful to separate the real and not real though as this brain of mine can go from operating on one cylinder to running on an infinite amount of Nos. I just don’t want to say something that isn’t true and that I might regret.

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Depends different coping mechanisms for different situations. I have several skills to combat unwanted thoughts. I journal regularly. Humor much like you. Music. I also get mental first aid when I’m aware I’m slipping backwards getting help before I need it not when it’s too late to do anything about it.

Basic for me each day is also get out of the house and go for a walk and have a shower. Even if it takes me all day I have to get those two things done. As know they help a great deal.

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Music also helps me as well. I like classical but blaring Rammstein soothes me. Spiel mit mir. Ein spiel.

Talking to the government helps a lot. Oh, and kissing my dogs!

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That’s cool! But talking to the government and kissing dogs seems to have it’s similarities. Sorry. I know what you mean. But at least dogs will kiss you back.

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I actually do not know how to stop talking to the state. I have tried many times but I have an issue. It’s like a Soliquy- an act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play. I used to call it a skits-show. It provides me meaning and comfort. I believe they are listening and trying to understand me. I seriously have to be in somewhat of a trance state to be doing what I am doing without fear though.

My dogs are on my bed. Both are sleeping & looking pretty cute.

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I don’t really have a coping mechanism.


Dogs are beautiful creatures. It seems my dad’s dog Oliver understands better than most norms. Love your fur baby’s!

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My doctor actually DX’d me with Stockholm Syndrome. This talking to the state stuff actually happens because of Trauma back in 2009.

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my coping method is daydreaming, if I can. if I can’t then I just breathe, slouch in a chair (if I’m not in a line), take off my coat (to not get myself too heated:) basically try to pretend that I am home.

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Humor has been my strongest tool so far.
Anything can be joked about, but not at all times nor places.
Humor needs discretion and compassion to be truly funny.


My coping mechanism is coming on this forum


This forum is awesome. I tried Nami.org and stuff but I’m sorry to say their discussion groups were becoming far too cliquey.

Avoidance. I’m diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder.

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I sorta have schizoid traits but from what I know those personality disorders can be devastating. :smile_cat:

Joke around and my work, other than that I have no life


Yes they are. They usually make you very dysfunctional.

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movies, the net, TV, school, homework, My Kids, My one good friend, journaling

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