What exactly is DBT....and how does it apply to schizophrenia

what is DBT…and how does it apply to schizophrenia

Its CBT mixed with mindfulness , I think.

and is mindfulness present attention or what? if you don’t mind me asking

Ahh mindfulness…

Mindfulness is about using certain techniques to make one present and in the moment. There is quite a lot of quackery around the subject , quackery that is needless. There are a whole host of books that bind mindfulness techniques with morality and other philosophical mumbo jumbo. Mindfulness is excellent , its when a person starts to actively control thoughts , encouraged by new age branding , that is where it falls down. Mindfulness when practised properly , a person should, consciously take ‘time out’ , and observe without interpretation, what is actively coming in through the senses. That’s it , it should not be complicated , it is absolutely self defeating , to approach it any other way.


Dialectical behavior therapy is the gold standard for borderline personality, which is an unstable personality on the border of psychosis, hence the name.

It involves dialectics, which is basically what they do in Alcoholics Anonymous, which is realizing what they can and cannot change and accepting it. It involves a Zen Buddhist approach, which concentrates on the present, not being depressed about the past and anxious about the future. It also involves realizing strengths and weaknesses to tailor the therapeutic process for the individual.

That’s all I remember from school. I didn’t know it was being used for schizophrenia that much–it’s mainly for borderline personality.

It is shown to be very efficacious for borderline personality. CBT is the standard for schizophrenia, unless the patient is already highly functioning, then interpersonal, some CBT and a lot of psychoeducation is my favorite cocktail of treatments.

I don’t even know what gestalt therapy ■■■■■■■ is and there was a question on the GRE subject test about it. Whoops.

Gestalt therapy came out way back in the seventies. I’m surprised they still mention it.

I am pretty sure that DBT is being used more for bipolar disorder, especially the rapid cycling variety.
It is already the gold Standard for Borderline.

I use a mixture of CBT and DBT - I do like some of the techniques used from DBT like deep breathing, visualization techniques, mindfulness - just feel more grounded with DBT.
DBT can be used with schizophrenia - but DBT works best for those suffering from highly volatile - rapid changing symptoms, like those suffering from borderline or bipolar.
DBT works best on impulsive, emotionally volatile patients - Schizophrenia includes disordered thoughts - CBT is usually used with schizophrenia - CBT has a better track record with schizophrenia, but DBT can be helpful as well.
Good luck with everything.

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Basically you get to know your minds tendencies and discover how you can influence it through the power of thought to be more consistent and pleasing.

It works so long as the individual understands its limits and can commit the time it takes to see the changes through.

Took me a long time before I saw any progress.

Meditation alone, as in clearing ones mind, can bring a lot of peace and stability as well.

Self acceptance is important as well. Potentials of thought never truly go away. You have to realize that and not get to hung up when you crash back into an old self.

Understanding the mind is like reverse engineering your life. The more you can remember about your past self and how it developed the more insight you’ll have in determining who you really are.

People can change more drastically than anyone would like to admit. It’s both a frightening but hopeful perspective.

Just be a good social animal though and everything will fall into place. You don’t really have to trouble yourself over the deeper nonsense.

When dealing with anxiety I come to find that if you spend a lot of time where you’re comfortable and at peace you can begin to find some solidarity. It really is irrational for environmental things to throw that off. If you try and hold onto the solidarity and peace of mind it doesn’t take long before you go unphased.

People seem to internally identify with their problems. This is a mistake. You have to let go of them and seek new ground if you want to overcome internal battles. They are not you but a problem that many individuals face in this very unnatural setting of the modern world.

Turn off your tv and interact with real people. You’ll begin to notice signs that every one has issues to some degree. Watching the prescripted fakeness on the tele will on give you a bad perspective on the standard personality of the human being.

We are not smart, we are not graceful, we all have our issues. Get to know this side of humanity and you might feel a little more empatheticly connected.

Being sz at least doubles the difficulties here. Lifestyle is key as it feeds the mind.

End of rant.


Here is the info on it - I don’t believe it applies to schizophrenia at all. Its used for Borderline Personality Disorder.

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