Surveillance of Forum Delusion

turns wifi back on

Yes, there’s no escaping the grid and its puppet masters, whoever or whatever that might be.

ME: I must avoid whole new levels of paranoia.
ALSO ME: says it with a hollow voice as obsession to discover whole new levels of paranoia starts

there is a conspiracy going on here… my post just vanished… no explanation, nothing… just pufff, gone.

haha, just joking around… but I must add it was an unnecessary removal… was a harmless post if you think about it…

I was off for a long time with no internet, did you really post or are you guys still joking around hahahA?

I was a U.S. Navy Intelligence Specialist, and I can assure you that no government agency is monitoring As far as databases go, the average citizen should focus on the corporate world, not government.


made a post titled , ''Schizophrenia caused by idleness?" … got deleted shortly after… think it’s just rhubot trolling me :stuck_out_tongue: but I couldn’t see a reason to delete it :slight_smile:

I think everything I do is monitored by brain researchers and is known about by the CIA, FBI, President and all the world leaders. None of it is a secret. Couldn’t hide if I wanted to. That’s just my delusion, though, not a specific fear about this forum being monitored. Logically, I doubt we are being monitored. Delusional-aly, I don’t think I can hide.