Surveillance of Forum Delusion

I am putting this in unusual beliefs, even though I think this is a totally real thing that is going on.

After the shooting spree this week, I am nervous that gov administration is putting this forum on surveillance due to political pressure to villainize MI people.

It’s not just because I missed my Abilify injection Thursday, either, it’s a very real thing in America: surveillance, databases, etc.

What if gov asks forum for some of our ip addresses? What if they collect our writings about our individual delusions and use them as evidence of our “violent urges” or some other bs?

We are very vulnerable to stigma and prejudice here, as we are open in a way that we are not open in person. Our minds and delusions are out here for the world to see, and the world is a very biased entity that lumps sz’s with criminals in their databases.

Can we organize or something? I’d like to see a Sz union that fights for our rights, much like the ACLU fights for the constitutional rights of various groups.

Feeling paranoid due to Ft. La. shooting spree, sorry. I just read that he was a former military man who went to the fbi complaining that the gov was mind controlling him right before…he got help, then the fbi let him go, then this happened.

I am upset.
P.s. I am getting my injection next Friday, so don’t worry!

I assume surveillance. I don’t say things that would get me into trouble.

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@Hedgehog I always watch what I say for the same reason. Never really thought about it until now.

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Yea, you guys had a better idea than I did!

I figured since I’ve been stable for ten years and received my university degrees post-diagnosis, I could be honest here, since the algorithm pan mentioned would spit out that I’m recovered…but now I don’t think they’ll stop just because their AI software says I’m not violent…

Wishing I’d never joined in some thread about command hallucinations now…

AND to those who’re following tall guy’s post, I don’t appreciate having my “illness” (if it is my sza) mocked.
It is a serious concern and I’m not going to shut up like we’re living behind the Iron Curtain, I like the constitution. So “i’m scared so i’ll shut up” isn’t an option, it’s bending over for a totalitarian system.

That is rude and bs and he didn’t even post in my thread to mock me, so I’m doing the same.

I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying or if any of it is directed at me, but just in case I’ll clarify what I meant. I never said I was afraid. Very little scares me. I assume surveillance and I don’t say anything that would get me into trouble isn’t an issue of fear. I am a US citizen and I have every feeling of entitlement that that citizenship affords me, but I also recognize the world we live in and the necessity for information.
I assume and accept surveillance. I realize I might be wrong about being watched and listened to, but either way I don’t mind because I don’t have anything radical to say.
I’m old, @HQuinn. I’m gearing up for the end. Things that may have mattered more to me when I was young just don’t anymore. It’s a great relief.


Government would have to prove it is fact or fiction, if you are worried throw some fiction into your posts, over the years on various forum I have always included fiction, things I get a kick out of , but would never do, I’m truthful, but I like to joke and have fun to.
As for the government, I’m not worried, nothing I’m doing would be of interest to them and if it is, I’m not doing anything that would require any sort of big response,

Except hogging all the chocolate pudding…

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anything i put online the government, or anyone else, is welcome to read. Either 1) i make sure it won’t get me in trouble or 2) i believe it strongly enough i am willing to live with any consequences that may come.

I keep it out of the too serious level…

I’m pretty sure they’re onto me. been driving down my street a lot today, I can hear the sound of the tires scanning for heartbeats in my basement.
There has got to be a way out of this. take the documents, bleach the evidence, get your passports, Vaca Vacalo off to colombia to find that good goodie good.

no sorry that was at tallguy on another post, saying that whoever says stuff should just not say anything…problem solved
EDIT: I had a sleepless night and was touchy
I forgot that was a reply to someone else, not just a reply to the thread, sorry

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Sorry you had a sleepless night. Hope that improves. Thanks for clarifying. :heart:

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I don’t know if you’ll read this or if you do if you will accept this but this is what I know from experience. When I was in the Air Force I worked in intel and worked with the NSA. Maybe it was in a different facility but I can’t talk about much. What I can say is that you don’t have to worry the government isn’t spying on you like you think it is.

The fact that you are a US citizen protects you.

There are a host of other agencies and different checks and balances to make this less likely. Again maybe all of this could’ve happened in a different facility from where I work but from my experience the likelihood of a all seeing big brother government that watches everything you do is kinda low. I don’t even remember all the of the legal and structural reasons that they made us learn at the time to prevent that kind of thing happening in the government. My time in the Air Force working in intel is the same reason why I don’t believe people like Snowden and Assange are heroes. Anyway even though I can’t go into details for a couple of reasons but all I can say is that the risk of you being survielled and monitored is extremely low. Unfortunately I can’t present proof in this you just have to take my word.


Post 9/11 big brother is always watching. You can’t be too careful.

They listen to everything. Don’t say anything that could get you in trouble. The America we all grew up with is DEAD.

Sorry guys, I had a rough transition to the injections–didn’t take the pills to taper off for two weeks like I was supposed to and I think my Abilify levels are running on low after missing January’s injection.

Also, I’ve been paranoid and fearful about the whole politics thing lately.

Hopefully, your truth is closer to the truth than the image I have in my mind. Still, political dissent is getting huge and the new admin is not chummy with their dissidents.
I take relief in the fact that I am a US citizen (like you say) and have done my best to abide by the constitution.

I am conflicted about Snowden. I was obsessed with him, tbh, like not healthy wise and I sent a pm to him one time after he ran off to Russia. Never got a reply, but the fact that I did that kind of makes me more paranoid. I thought I found a code in his name and I sent him a quote from a book.

I will take your word for this matter! Until January 20th, then after that I might be in the corner huddled and rocking myself by the wall heater. Just kidding, that’s only how I get 100% off meds. I’ll just go to work like I do every day and cuddle with kitten more.
Thank you!

Ha there was a sort of puzzle called cicada followed by some numbers I forget…I was trying to crack the code…everyone else was following the bar code it had with it…I knew the answer was in the name…there was a lot of math involved…but I ended up with CIA followed by an odd 10 digit cell phone number…I called the voice chuckled and said good job…I hung up the phone and switched numbers and the phone account doesn’t have my name on it…I later read it was a possible recruitment tool for the CIA…fast forward to watching the suicide squad…the restaurant near the beggining where the boss lady is trying to pitch the suicide squad to her peers was named cicada…I feel infinitely parananoid that when I was getting bad off…I may have cracked a CIA recruitment riddle…was dumb enough to call from my own phone…and then hung up on them…I feel like this has placed me on the active watch list…

I know this is no delusion I have a sane witness to the phone call…albeit I didn’t give them time to explain exactly what it was all really about…I still worry they check on me…I doubt I would have made it in to the CIA despite cracking the riddle due to my mental stability…

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Wow! lol, that does sound freaky!!

Yea, my code had no math hahaha, it was just my paranoid mind jumping to conclusions (I think. Yes, I am convinced it was just my mind [convinces self as she types the words out]).
Shuts off wifi and sits in dark, wondering about the possibilities…

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Also my military background…of being on the bomb squad…in order to learn to diffuse a homemade explosive…you get to learn to build one…its very easy and the supplies required are very much obtainable…I would never never never use this knowledge to produce any form of explosive… And I would def never share this knowledge with anyone else especially over the net…but it adds to my fear of being on the watched list…

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I have become less afraid of gov conspiracies due to the television telling me who really runs it all and how they have a trump card that makes them untouchable and renders any sort of attack against them useless and would leave the attacking country a third world instantly…without magic or aliens or tech we don’t know about…but we won’t get into that…it might cure your gov conspiracy worries but it opens up a whole new level of paranoid thoughts…