Struggling with the voices

I’m really feeling terrible. Both positive and negative voices are driving me mad. I believe what the negative voices say and I disbelieve what the positive voices say. So both kinds of voices drive me crazy. They keep repeating the same stuff over and over. It’s like a running record. They say things over and over again in order to drive me insane. I honestly feel like the positive voices are just as wicked as the negative voices because they won’t be quiet! The positive voices keep saying the same thing, but I don’t believe it, so I tell them to stop saying it over and over, but they won’t listen!

I want to talk more about exactly what the voices say, but I’m worried about it because my voices are religious in nature. So I don’t want to start a religious topic.


I will give you quick advice.
Language matters. Don’t use bad vocabulary such as driving me mad, terrible, wicked.
Use positive language instead.
As for the voices, avoid listening to them.
Try to do something instead of listening to them.
Don’t engage with your voices.
Try to quieten them and empty your head.


I’ve been hearing voices recently as well. Can you tell they are just hallucinations or are you having trouble differentiating what is real and what is not? Maybe it would help to use logic to discern why they are not real.

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i hear both negative and positive voices. mostly negative though. i don’t hear devon and phillip any more which is good. the only positive voices is the gargoyle beliel

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To me they are real. I believe that they are real angels/demons who are inside my head. My voices are religious in nature, and I’m a really religious person, so I believe them.

Yeah I have a similar problem with mine sometimes. It’s unfortunate. I hope you feel better soon. Hearing voices can be hellish.

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Well the first thing you need to do is realize and keep telling yourself that they are not real. As long as you want to believe they are they’ll never get better for you.


sorry dude =(

I have racing thoughts which is kinda similar to voices =( I deal with these thoughts daily and they are negative =(

The only thing you could do that my therapist taught me is to just distract yourself - and also just step back and try to change your perspective.

Even if you are religious

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I’ve been having racing thoughts as well. I know I’m overthinking things. The thought came across that most people I’ve met in my life have only bad things to say about me. Then I started wondering what people might say. I’ve always tried to be nice to people and what I’m thinking probably isn’t real. It is difficult to deal with racing thoughts sometimes.

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man i find it strange when others have flare ups at the same time. i’/ve been in a state of un-sleep for a few days… i make weird decisions when i’/m like this

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The voices are just your thoughts. All of the hallucinations are just your own thoughts.


Thanks guys. I’m feeling a bit better now. When I listen to the good voice I usually start to feel better. When the bad voice takes over I really start feeling hopeless.

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I would just ask a few times ‘why am I hearing the voices?’ and see what they say. If told to do something weird or told to do anything, just refuse. Some people will go do whatever the voices say in an angry moment and hurt another person hearing voices - usually it is just the verbal harassment of a stranger called ‘thought broadcasting’ where you tell a new psychosis patient something private about himself/herself - but it just starts there…Follow orders and eventually you will be forced to screw up your family, steal, vandalisms, mess up customers or employer…

If you met someone bragging about hurting people or doing illegal stuff a little while before your voices start, you may be told to not discuss this person and avoid everyone he/she introduced you to.

May just be most of the people in your area are already hearing voices some of the time and you didn’t hear it yet…You just have to wear this off or find the right meds. Try to concentrate on magazine articles and work your way up from there, study whatever interests you and show some interest in work and the voices do get easier to deal with sometimes.

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That’s pretty much the truth. Thanks for that. It helps to remember it’s all in my head.

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The eyes of truth are watching. It is I who see. It is I. I forgive.

You are not alone.

You are you. You are protected.

The voices try to destroy you. But the eyes of truth will not let this be.

Listen to my words closely.

You will hear that we are up against the god damn awful. But we don’t give up !

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I wonder what that says about me seeing as how my hallucinations are. One is violent and the other two are insulting. I can go up to like 10 or 20 when psychotic though.

here is some advice

Strong convictions metaphor

A king convicts you of terrible crimes in a court, and you don’t believe in his accounted crimes. So you ask for a fair trial, and ask for witnesses to account for the crimes. The witnesses say nothing, nonsense at the stand, but the king continues to convict you even after hearing there testimony

If there are no witnesses to your convictions, then there is no trial

So when you have a conviction, just ignore and think there are no witnesses, therefore being no trail. [No conviction]

As for thinking being imaginary you could think in this manner
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”

Inconclusion, it ain’t what it is and is what it ain’t, and it’s not what you think

A formula for what is real and what is not real
A forumla of some sorts would be benefitual to help in the misdetermination between what’s real and what’s unreal. Such a forumla would be appreciated. The formula to determined between what is real and what is unreal, is that their is no formula, that being the solution. You must determine what is real yourself.

I imagine people’s voices. They’re auditory hallucinations.

I’m really glad your feeling better. I know how powerful it is to believe. I believe in my delusion too. Sometimes (and I learned this in therapy) it is easier to use logic that the delusional person can relate to when the belief is so strong. For example: I thought I was going to be sacrificed. I REALLY believed it. I was petrified. Nothing was going to change that. So, instead of telling me over and over that my delusion isn’t real (which wouldn’t have worked at that point in time). My therapist told me that if he were doing a brain study, he would see no benefit in sacrificing someone from a science standpoint. It calmed me down and made me feel better. Obviously, the goal is to stop believing the delusion but when your in pain and that isn’t going to happen in the next 10 minutes, it helps to meet you where you are and speak in logic that you can actually hear.

Like I said, I am glad you feel better :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the help.

I was feeling good for a few hours, and then that nice voice that helped me went away and now I have another nice voice that is bothering me.

The voice keeps saying, “What if Jesus still loves you?”

But I feel like I received messages from Jesus of him telling me he hates me and he’s going to do something terrible to me.

So I keep telling that voice, “There’s no chance that Jesus loves me.”

But it won’t listen. It keeps saying Jesus loves me.

I wish I could believe it, but I feel like the evidence is too strong that Jesus hates me.