Schizoaffective disorder. Similar to schizophrenia

I have had many different labels on my file ADD, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, Schizoaffective, Sz. It all shifts around. I’ve had my current diagnosis for a while now. But lately my doc has been leaning forward more and saying… “Hum… interesting.” and then directing me to information about bipolar.

Which makes me lean forward and say… “Hum… interesting”

So maybe my label will change again. All I know is, I can think in complete sentences better then I used to, my meds work and I can remember most of what I did the previous day. So Sz, or Sa, call me what ever you want…

(just don’t call me late for lunch… :laughing:) Sorry… :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: