Say Anything III

Cookies @Jesspresso …!!!

I think I have good thoughts I don’t mention.

I need clippers for my facial hair to be gone. Or I’ll just painfully hack it off with a razor…oh well

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That happens to me all the time.

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You could try hair removal cream!

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I think I should just remove my face lol


The Jurassic Park theory that might actually be true!

I’ve known for awhile that mosquitoes won’t get sufficient DNA to build a dinosaur. They will get blood cell dna. That’s it. So this theory fits right in nicely with what I already know.

I’m not a fan of makeup deep down inside. Women are just beautiful. In the times it matters most trust me.

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I like make up. It brings the inside, outside. It can also bring the outside, in. The latter is what lifting does for me.

Some women don’t need make up though or it’s good to go without sometimes.

You don’t need mascara while giving birth. Lmao

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Yeah I know there must be someone who gave birth with mascara lol.

If I had kids I’d say now let’s try one without mascara. Lmao

Some people look hot pregnant

Everyone does to some one.

But you need mascara to make your eyes pop! (Not literally!)

I’m the type that could look at your eyes all day. Well I mean when you find someone worth looking at. Mascara is not always a requirement. I don’t mean it about you in particular for me. I mean to someone means it to you in your vicinity.

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Yeah I get what you mean.

Mascara makes eyes look more vibrant though. It’s definitely not a requirement but it does compliment them!


When your eyes are popping out don’t mind my beard.