My brother and his idea of “respect”

I don’t want to take on difficult jobs. I am happy with data entry and basic admin or stacking shelves I don’t care as long as I’m not breaking the law with my job.

My brother though has to butt in with my choice of work I apply to.

He thinks that my choice of jobs are not great and I need a better job to be respected and managers don’t respect people working “low level” jobs.

I said to him that attitude won’t get him anywhere. I mean a manager can’t do much without his /her staff so disrespectful attitudes won’t get them anywhere.


I agree I feel data entry is a really good position for people with sz. I feel you can do a little ‘climbing’ to get a higher paying position though. I got offered an interview for $15 per hour office work with only 6 months experience. At my vocational rehab people with disabilities usually get referred for more stressful jobs like stocking or retail, so you’re really lucky.


That is a great job.

And if you are comfortable with it, that’s all that matters.

Also it is absolutely untrue that managers do not respect entry level workers.

Any good manager knows the work they do is valuable and that they are not paid enough for what they are doing.


This is a great attitude, Ish! All the best with your employment search!

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Does your brother have a job Ish? Or was he ever employed before?
Sounds like he has no idea what he’s talking about…

He is a accountant but not qualified. He gets like £30,000 a year … he’s not confident and not much self esteem. That’s what all this talk tells me.

I’ve been mental since 14…I survive well but honestly I took the jobs that worked for me.

I worked a lot with my hands…so lots of tools. I worked a lot with my fitness and driving machinery …You are right to do what you need to do!

Your bro needs to show some respect. You give him the same…! Don’t let him rule your life!


Anyway, yeah, he seems to lack a basic understanding of the social dynamics. You can be a toilet cleaner, but happy with your job and very good at it - people will respect you. Or you can be a manager without any skill and people will loathe you and talk behind your back.
Don’t mind him Ish. Find a job that you enjoy doing, that is the secret. Also, probably it’s better to start part-time, to avoid a quick burnout.

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I try not to let it get to me. He’ll see it on his own. But he simply doesn’t understand … I’d rather be respected for who I am not for what I do or how much money I have.

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