my dreams are in tatters, i use to dream about having a career and a good job in the care sector but the way things have gone its like everything has conspired against me,
at college i had to leave half way through the second year and i was not allowed to progress twice after that, its like they dont want to help me,
every turn i have made has been blocked and my confidence is very low about this, so low that i cant see anybody giving me a chance, its like they don’t care or take me seriously, just bc i have an illness doesn’t mean i am an invalid
Keep your chin up and break it into workable programs.
I got kicked out of university twice and that was long before diagnosis. Sometimes your doing more than your able.
You ever thought of some process work. IT’s easy to learn, pays well and it’s just routine doing things. Warehousing and anywhere on the supply chain works and it’s a big area that needs workers.
Either that or disability. I’m on disability over here and I survive without any stress!
I think the desire to help people is fine just so long as you don’t see it as an excuse to proselytize re religion , and keep that side of things in check.
Maybe you could volunteer to help out somewhere to get some hands on experience.
From the posts I read of you, you complain of everything. You want a girlfriend, but you don’t even have a source of income. Get your life together before thinking of dating someone. If cleaning and catering is all you can do, so be it. You gotta do what you gotta do. Not everyone gets to get the perfect job that they want. For a lot of people, a job is just a job. You get your entertainment outside of it. It’s not supposed to be fun for majority of people. For the lucky few who wake up every morning excited about their job, they probably did not find it as their first job. Once you have a job and some income, that should improve your chances on the dating scene. Read the book called Grit by Angela Duckworth. I am reading it now and I think it will help you.
I recall a woman on the old forum who put herself through nursing school after being Dx’d Sz. She went on to get a job and do well.
Your more limited by your own attitude than your ability.
There’s a big difference between not being able to do something “right now” and “not ever”. Learn what you can in the moment, seize the opportunities you can when they present themselves, and keep your eye on the prize.